The iPad is just as good for writing as the Mac…until the moment you want to display two different parts of the same document.
The iPad is just as good for writing as the Mac…until the moment you want to display two different parts of the same document.
Apparently I’m in a minority, but I’ve never liked iA Writer’s font (non-)choice. Ulysses & Triplicate, thanks.…
I still kinda want to write a “fully modern” PHP blogging platform that isn’t WordPress…and kinda want to write “LiveJournal Next.” is more my groove than Mastodon, but it’s so much of a closed tech-nerd-only bubble right now.
I keep thinking about whether there’s a place for a social network that’s subscriber-based rather than ad-based, supports longer-form posts, and has robust access controls. Maybe it’s a niche nothing fills because nobody wants that, but maybe it’s because it’s presumed (likely correctly) that something like that can’t scale to Twitter or Facebook levels. But maybe if it was designed with the assumption that a mere million users would be just fine… hmm.
This connects back to musings months ago about LiveJournal, which I continue to believe got some crucial things right—their platform was resistant (not immune, but resistant) to harassment on a technical level in ways that Twitter and Facebook will clearly never be. There’s a lot of other things LJ clearly dropped the ball on, from management issues to basically missing the importance of mobile for years, but there are still lessons there that nobody else picked up on.
(And, yes, since everyone who knows about Dreamwidth asks if I know about Dreamwidth, yes. They’re lovely people and I admire what they’re doing, but Dreamwidth in 2017 is, from a user experience perspective, pretty much LiveJournal in 2002.)
Turns out Editorial is a better “TaskPaper for iOS” than TaskMator, even though TaskMator is built to be a TaskPaper for iOS.
iOS should have a Unix shell. Heresy! Okay: come up with an argument against it that wasn’t made against OS X by Mac OS fans circa 2000.
The keyboard worked until I logged into a wifi network. Then I had to restart the iPad. What. The. Hell.
Every single time I connect my Magic Keyboard to the iPad now, function keys work but alphanumerics don’t, until I restart the iPad. Only started with later betas of iOS 11, and still happens on the final release. Is this just me? This is starting to be a dealbreaker.
iOS 11 fixes many (not all) of my iPad complaints. Selling my 9.7" iPad Pro and 13" MBP to get a 12.9" iPad is more tempting now, though…
I’ve never posted on Ello, but I think I want to see if they go under before I get annoyed enough by spam followers to delete my account.
Having lived many years in both Florida and California, I’d rather take the earthquake risk than the hurricane risk, I think.
iOS 11’s penchant for recognizing my Magic Keyboard yet not letting me type on it sure is cool. (I know, it’s a beta, it’s a beta…)
Interesting how 5by5’s gone from Hot New Podcast Network to virtually invisible in ~3 years. Hard not to think there’s a story there.
Increasingly my case for iPad Pro over MBP is: Magic Keyboard + iPad > new MBP keyboard (touch bar or not).
systemd feels like someone looked at OS X launchd and said, “That’s the most convoluted thing ever!” And someone else said, “Hold my beer.”
FeedPress claims that Coyote Tracks has more RSS subscribers than I have Twitter followers. I am pleased but skeptical.
I wish I’d bought an Away suitcase for my trip tomorrow. This means I’ve been listening to too many tech podcasts.
Semi-relatedly, I’ve also given up F.lux and Night Shift. They don’t help me sleep better, they just make the screen uglier.
Finally learned how to get expert preferences back in the macOS Display Calibration Assistant. I tell myself this makes a huge difference!
Cloak is a great name for a VPN, which is why they’re changing their name to “,” which is kinda lame. Wait. What?
Tempted by the 10.5" iPad, but not enough to trade up to it from the still very new 9.7".
The more new features Medium rolls out, the better I feel about moving to WordPress…
And it’s taken me about 30 minutes to kinda wish I had the Mac instead. Oy.
Back to writing on the iPad for a bit. Yay! My least favorite minor bug has reappeared in Ulysses. Less yay!
Debating a post about subscription software, but I’m too conflicted on it to make a case either way yet.
Somewhat amusingly, yesterday’s post did better on my personal blog than on Medium so far.
Later today, I will engage in another POSSE experiment: importing a post to Medium.
Considering dumping all my keyboards except the two Matias minis and the Magic keyboards (one for Mac, one for iPad).
One of my biggest blockers to going iPad-only: I can’t remap Caps Lock to Ctrl.
The urge to quit my job and join a revolutionary army is way stronger than usual.
Eventually I will get my blog running under WordPress and connect it to, so I can fail to post in a much more high-tech fashion.
Despite the fact that I’m barely using, I’m still noodling around with the notion of a new blogging system designed to work with it.
Not sure if anyone I know-slash-know of is even still left in San Jose post-WWDC now.
Last-minute decision to go to James Dempsey show tonight near #WWDC - maybe I’ll see some of you there…
While I won’t be at WWDC, I’ll be around WWDC at some points, most notably at the live ATP recording and the Relay FM meetup on Monday. I won’t, sadly, be able to hit the meetup on Tuesday, though (I work in SF Tuesdays and Thursdays).
Really going to have to figure out what I’m going to do with this thing, huh?
Well: I am here.