



: If you are reading this over here on, you should probably be reading it at …

: If nothing else, I’ve improved the look of my blog on tablets and phones. I gave up on …

: Creative writing and AI’s failure modes: a too-deep dive into AI “novel writing” …

: There was an Indieweb-style cross-posting service people were talking about here on a few …

: I love NetNewsWire’s speed, but I tried Reeder again after a couple years away, and fell back in …

: I’ve been idly wondering whether I could be a freelance technical writer without resorting to …

: There are a total of eight smooth jazz songs: The one with the sax The other one with the sax No, …

: Was it just me, or was there a noticeable lack of Stage Manager in any of the new iPad presentation …

: Judge the AI that exists, not the AI you imagine…

: I’m fortunate to have a good 401(k) and “safety net” account from my last job, but I’m kind of angry …

: After many years of using SuperDuper!, I am trying Carbon Copy Cloner for the first time. Wait, …

: Setting up as my “syndicate nearly everywhere” service lets me revive my …

: I am creating a blogroll sidebar like it’s 2004 again!

: Relieved that the website still looks good on mobile. I have to revisit the abandoned dark mode …

: After noodling around with fonts, I think I’m sticking with ones from MB Type for my …

: I also find myself with a weird desire to find a sans serif body font I like to redesign the site …

: The one downside of bringing back my blog with an “archive page” format is that it shows …

: The new website is up! I don’t think I can redirect the article feed from, but …

: And now the fun part: fixing links that have broken over the years! Yay. (Super grateful to Twitter …

: I’m not entirely sure I have any justification for rebuilding my website with Zola (a …

: The more I dig into generative AI, the more fascinated I get…and the less practical use I see, and …

: Started rebuilding my personal website, which is currently pure HTML/Markdown processed with …

: I have an article I’m puttering around with exploring “Claude-Author”, a professed …

: I have a set of techie peers enthusiastic about generative AI to the point of ignoring/dismissing …

: Working on a new novella is helping me solidify what I’d like my creative writing app to be …

: Did we learn nothing from the Bixby Button?…

: I just realized what 99% of AI-generated illustrations make me think of: BAEN BOOK COVERS

: I will eventually write the article on generative AI that I have been thinking about for months, but …

: I’ve been noticing more AirPods Max on this trip—at the airport, but also just outside, on …

: Just encountered another rare example of an App Clip out in the wild, to pay a tab at an Irish pub …

: Finished reading This Is How You Lose the Time War. Turns out this book everybody said was really …

: Starting a new programming project is often a Catch-22 for me: I don’t feel like I can start …

: I’ve still kept my electronic library card from California, because I’m not sure Florida …

: Hmm. I thought, “Maybe I should try to get a technical writing gig with a software company I …

: Whether you think Apple’s new Vision Pro is the coolest or the stupidest product ever, or fall …

: Me: While I have a pretty big financial “safety net,” I am unemployed now, so I should …

: I’m always surprised by “airport food is always terrible” jokes/comments made …

: By nearly all accounts, Zack Snyder’s “Rebel Moon” is terrible, but Drew Margary’s review in SFGATE …

: Apparently generative AI is either a job-destroying scam with no redeeming qualities pushed by …

: I think this is not only the first haircut I’ve gotten in several years (!), it’s the …

: Pixelmator Pro seems to get all the love, but Flying Meat’s Acorn has always fit the way my …

: As a tiki nerd desperately looking for silver linings in being stuck in Florida, I am unreasonably …

: A pointed commentary from the Duke University Library system: “Why We’re Dropping Basecamp”.

: Swapping my modded Keychron Q3 keyboard for my Matias Mini Tactile Pro for a while. I really wish …

: While I’m comfortable reading recipes off an iPad for cooking, my mom manifestly is not, so I …

: After a bit over a year back, there are a lot of things I’ve discovered (or rediscovered) to …

: Okay, I am now a full convert to the way of dry brining.

: The last few years of Silicon Valley in general and OpenAI over the last 24 hours in particular …

: Science fiction great Michael Bishop has died. I haven’t read anything by him in years; from …

: Watched the trailer for Zack Snyder’s “Rebel Moon”, and its tagline “There …

: Well, with my upcoming downtime, it’s time to dust off the Hacking with macOS Swift course …

: I’m not sure how many companies need short-term contract technical writers, but I may put …

: I would say I am bidding a fond farewell to Linode, but the truth is I bid a fond farewell to them …

: An unexpected thing from earlier today: the financial advisor asked if I was going to look for new …

: Between the time I booked my first call with a financial advisor at Betterment and the time the call …

: Somehow I have found myself at a drag show held at a community center at an RV park in rural-ish …

: I’m doing a little bit of cursory spot-checking, and my general feeling that restaurant food …

: Debating between “try and line up another job in tech writing before current job ends” and “take a …

: Currently reading: Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree 📚

: My timing with finally switching to Betterment “Premium,” so I can talk to a financial …

: I have been informed that the C-level execs at my company refuse to give me an exception to keep …

: Cleaned up my passwords in iCloud Keychain finally; I’ve been using 1Password for years, but let …

: I’ve been using Arc for months, but I’m taking macOS Sonoma as an excuse to go back to …

: Hooray! It’s time for “what fresh hell awaits me transferring a phone number between two …

: I am literally years overdue for a haircut, but I have long hair and don’t want a barber who …

: I’m letting my iPhone 12 Pro live out its last week caseless, trying out the leather sleeve I …

: So far I have not ordered a case for the new phone, but have ordered a sleeve. I’ll see how …

: Good: the Audioengine HD3s are clearly better speakers than the Studio Display. Less good: I …

: Predictably I gave in and ordered an iPhone 15 Pro, and a USB-A to C cable for CarPlay.

: And I have bought a new Apple Watch, my first in stainless steel. This has shaped up to be an …

: After poking at cheap-but-not-too computer speakers, I’m getting Audioengine HD3s—mostly good …

: I decided to move my big-for-computer-speakers Vanatoo Ones from my desk into my bedroom and added a …

: Incidentally, is it just me, or is it a lot nicer to use the web interface for on the …

: Back in the San Francisco Bay Area. I was born in Dallas, lived briefly in upstate New York, and …

: Apparently I not only signed up for the “T2” waitlist, yet another attempt to make a new Twitter, …

: I’m having the disquieting thought that I might be able to shake off my current feeling of …

: Part of me thinks my mythical story-structure program should be an Electron app, or even a web app, …

: I’m at a brewery to write and completely flatlining, so instead I’m poking at a crazy …

: Very strange to go look up information about something in the dim past of the web (Joyent’s …

: Now that my “office” shares space with the den my A/V system is in, the computer may not need great …

: A year back in Florida About a year ago, I moved away from the San Francisco Bay Area, back to Tampa Bay, Florida, where …

: Thesis: the people most likely to announce “I am leaving Mastadon for Threads” are also the people …

: One year ago today was my last day of living in Silicon Valley; next Sunday will be the anniversary …

: You know, I suddenly have reason to think it would just be super if there was a way to mute a thread …

: The cool thing about crossposting between social networks is that if you have a controversial take …

: You're So Vain, You Probably Think This App Is About You: On Meta and Mastodon Those of you not plugged into the Mastodon community may not be aware of the predominant reaction to …

: Mastodon’s collective understanding of Meta’s goals with Threads are so at odds with what I think …

: In an acquaintance’s home for the holiday evening, and trying hard to resist the temptation to …

: While my SwiftUI knowledge remains quite limited, the more I learn the more I suspect that …

: It’s still fun to go out with an iPad as my “ultra-lightweight” machine—in my case, a 2020 iPad Air …

: Me: I wonder if I should make my app subscription-based rather than a single purchase… Also me: …

: As much as I appreciate Hello Weather, I think I’m going back to Carrot. It has more detail, …

: I’ve never been a multiple-monitor person, but having Hacking with macOS open on the iPad Air …

: I’m trying to learn Swift as my first “non-web, non-scripting” language in …

: Watching the first seasons of “Midsomer Murders” with my mom. This show was sure keen on …

: Following my earlier thought: going with SwiftUI would limit my audience (only Mac and possibly …

: Continuing to noodle around with a fiction brainstorming app idea, but also continuing to dither on …

: You may think all HDMI cables are the same, but I tried an AudioQuest® HDMI cable recently as an …

: I think I have now hit the “too many monthly subscriptions” point and am going to have …

: Since I no longer have space for surround speakers, I’m considering replacing my A/V receiver with a …

: I still don’t know if I can pull off the spiritual replacement for Dramatica plot development …

: I have bought a JBL Flip 6 Bluetooth speaker to replace a seemingly dying Bose SoundLink Mini II. …

: I perversely hope Dramatica keeps failing to show any visible progress in making a 64-bit release of …

: The weather is (usually) one of Florida’s (increasingly few) saving graces.

: Safe and secure under an ancient oak tree, but definitely not on a schedule.

: In a quest to see if a problem I’ve been having with a wifi-enabled A/V receiver is actually …

: I demoed the active speakers I’m considering replacing my home theatre system with, now that I …

: I saw someone post a screenshot of Mark Zuckerberg announcing “Meta Verified” and …

: Not thrilled with Akamai killing the Linode brand. The product is the same for now, but it’s …

: Time to begin the Update All The Things dance. I have content caching enabled on my Mac Studio to …

: I was in a Best Buy with a Magnolia Hi-Fi substore in it and an employee—who actually knew about …

: I’m slowly edging toward the idea of replacing my 5.1-now-3.0 home theater setup with a …

: Every time I take the iPad out with me for serious portable computing, I’m reminded why I like …

: Hanging out in the International Drive/Sand Lake area of Orlando. Way back when, I didn’t have …

: I’m currently carrying my iPhone 12 without a case, and it feels positively illicit.

: St. Petersburg, Florida, is so cool a city in some ways. If only we could replace Ron DeSantis with …

: Are some folks seriously pulling a Twitter-esque performative outrage dance of “how dare they call …

: Just as a heads-up again, if you’re following me from Mastodon, it’s better to follow my …

: I finally remembered this Mac has Stage Manager, so I just enabled it, and after about five minutes …

: I’m sure not every British TV show has credits set in Gill Sans. Just, like, 95% of them.

: As much as I’ve migrated a lot of my life back to the Mac, it’s still really fun to be able to use …

: After my return to California, my totally scientific empirical analysis is that “woke” …

: If you’re looking for a decent macOS Mastodon client, your options are: Ice Cubes Seriously, …

: The downside of returning to the Bay Area for a week is that it makes me acutely aware of what …

: The more I poke at the idea for this application, the more I think there’s something there—but …

: The hotel I’m staying at in San Jose this week has cardboard sleeves for their coffee cups …

: While it’s great the Apple Watch prompts “it looks like you’re on a walk, start a …

: I’m renting a Nissan Altima and the adaptive cruise control is comically terrible. When it …

: Finally reading Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman. So far it is as good as everyone says, …

: A great joy of my work life since 2017 or so has been the ability to pack up and work from coffee …

: Dusting off my Elixir/Phoenix knowledge for a potential project down the road, and Panic Nova is …

: Next week’s challenge: see if I can fit a week’s worth of clothes and electronics (both work and …

: I’m considering switching from Carrot Weather back to Apple Weather. I haven’t looked at …

: Feeling like a web app will work for this novel plotting-helper. As much as I like native apps, it …

: While I think I’d prefer a desktop application for fiction brainstorming/plotting as a user, I …

: Wondering if I could build a story development app somewhere between Dramatica’s over-the-top …

: Poking at Ulysses' new “Projects” feature. This is a pretty direct shot across the bow …

: Perhaps a touch apprehensive that my first flight back to California after making the move to …

: Central Florida is not well-equipped for three nights of hard freeze in a row.

: For years, I’ve had a set of “Corporate Promos” filters in Gmail. I’ve …

: Despite being all in on Ulysses for writing, I brought iA Writer’s custom fonts with me. …

: Okay, so an hour after getting the smart lights, they’re fun! But I don’t know how …

: (watches several Mastodon servers grind to a halt and fall over) You know, I really do like Ruby on …

: I’m thinking about getting a few HomeKit-enabled smart lights, but not sure which. Hue is good …

: Remembering that time on Twitter someone mansplained the Bechdel Test to me. Good times.

: My new glasses came in. This prescription is very different and, apparently, right—less spherical …

: So apparently it’s good that I got to post “where to follow me” links on Twitter …

: So when I made the analogy of Twitter to a favorite bar that’d been taken over by a new, bad …

: Okay, so. Do I finally upgrade my Macs to Ventura now that 13.1 is out?

: My Mastodon address is now, and I’m re-following Mastodon accounts from …

: Probably going to set up a “pure” Mastodon account, rather than following Mastodon folks …

: Replacing one smart thermostat (Lennox iComfort M30) with another (Ecobee Smart Enhanced), because …

: From Ezra Klein: “Twitter’s value is how easy it makes it to talk. Its cost is how hard it …

: What Advent of Code has taught me so far is: I have gotten pretty rusty at solving programming …

: Starting to follow more and more Mastodon users from my account and wondering if this …

: Having your 78-year-old mother go in for a cervical laminectomy/fusion is speedrunning “how to …

: I am not quite at the point where I am going to have to switch from “show all posts and …

: Twitter, failure modes, and your favorite bar So I’ve been seeing arguments for why, no, you should really stay on Twitter, because of the …

: Some of my workplace meetings are now being conducted in Slack “huddles” rather than on MS Teams, …

: Do Mastodon instances have to specifically enable some kind of support for to …

: I tried the Arc Browser a little and didn’t quite feel like it took. A couple days ago decided …

: I’m going to try to renew my efforts to be “ first,” and maybe bestir …

: As I poke at re-learning Ruby on Rails yet again, I’m discovering to my chagrin that the Emacs …

: It feels like it’s an open secret that Panic Nova 10 is going to be a big release and I am …

: I’m taking a Ruby on Rails refresher course, but I’m pretty sure it’s …

: After a few months back with Safari, I’m trying the Orion web browser again. I suspect …

: My favorite crazy story brainstorming app, Dramatica Pro, still runs only on 32-bit Macs even though …

: Working on a Spacemacs-inspired theme set for Panic Nova. Despite my inability to get into Spacemacs …

: While I’m still using BBEdit for almost everything, I’m excited again about Panic Nova …

: While I haven’t been using Elixir recently, I just updated the Elixir BBEdit Package. This …

: Hurricane Ian’s predicted path two days ago took it within 14 miles of my house. Its actual …

: Okay, this is SERIOUS now.…

: Catching up on “Andor” before the storm hits.

: Finding great seafood in Florida is surprisingly difficult, but I had a truly great clam chowder, a …

: I keep trying my iPhone 12 Pro without a case, because I always used to hate cases and it always …

: Exploring Clermont, Florida, today—when it’s not raining, it’s (slightly) cooler out. …

: Impression after a few minutes with the Keychron Q3 keyboard: this is very heavy, and I’m not …

: I can’t say I’m fully adjusting to Florida, but I’m finding/rediscovering …

: I keep telling myself I will re-adjust to Florida summer, but the truth is, I don’t feel like …

: After Palm Springs, Tucson, and Austin, I will be the only person walking in New Orleans tonight …

: Ah, nothing like waking up to morning rain to make you think, “I left the car sun roof cracked …

: My Nancy Boy shaving cream de-emulsified in the heat! It whipped back up to a usable consistency …

: The whole Palm Springs area is like Florida’s weird desert cousin.

: If I’d known my cross-country trip would be happening during a heatwave, perhaps I wouldn’t have …

: Last dinner in the SF Bay Area on the deck at Quinn’s Lighthouse in Oakland.

: Thoughts on Leaving California I. I wasn’t born in California. I wasn’t born in Florida, either, even though it was, …

: As I visit places around the SF Bay in my last few days here I keep thinking I’m visiting (Place) …

: Hm. It occurs to me that I probably can’t change the billing address on my credit cards until …

: Likely my last time doing some remote work at the irrationally pretty business park in San Ramon.

: Pretty sure I want to get back to Il Fornaio at least once before I leave California. I’m not sure …

: I drifted away from the iPad completely after getting my M1 Air, but lately I’ve been carrying the …

: Apparently the cloud version of Microsoft PowerPoint handles conflict resolution with “keep …

: One thing I do like about the iPad, which you can only do with a true external keyboard: portrait …

: For no particular reason, I’ve headed out for an afternoon remote-working with the iPad Air rather …

: Pretty sure I’ve seen dance clubs with a less elaborate stage lighting system than this …

: In line for the Talk Show Live at Apple Park’s new developer center. Feeling lucky I get to …

: I am finding the state of modern PHP frameworks more exhausting than ever; I may have been on the …

: I bought a Magic Keyboard that supports Touch ID today, and now wonder just what I was thinking. …

: The Laravel tutorial that I’m working through to refresh my PHP credentials uses the Tailwind CSS …

: I’m pretty sure this is the closest I’ve been to a wild coyote—probably about 50 feet. I …

: Remember when 5by5 was the up-and-coming tech podcast network?

: Because it seemed like there should be one, I have made a version of the Nord color scheme for …

: Tempted to walk around the mostly empty office building and chirp “are we feeling …

: After watching “Severance,” I would like to expand my catalog of defiant jazz.

: This week is my first with mandatory in-office days since March 2022. On the one hand, it’ll …

: (Re-)learning Laravel, the PHP framework, in my spare time, and I’m very impressed with what …

: Discovered Apple Music—and other streaming services—now have the cast albums for two musicals based …

: I have ordered an Ember “Smart” Coffee Mug and feel bad about myself for having done it. …

: Plugged my MacBook Air into my Studio Display for the first time this morning, and immediately …

: As much as I love the modern era of thin and light laptops, I miss being able to lock my laptop to a …

: There may be no more more convincing proof of Satan’s existence than the Hacker News thread on …

: Realizing I have an old Logitech K380 keyboard that’s no longer “attached” to anything has gotten me …

: Part of me wants to hang on to this, but I don’t even know if it’s still readable—and I …

: So apparently Star Trek: Picard season 3 will basically reunite ST:TNG. I think I’m on board …

: I seem to have a strange talent for running into edge case bugs in Acorn, my favorite image editor. …

: One interesting silver lining to the Studio Display: for the first time since March 2020, I have an …

: This is an interesting opportunity to re-evaluate some of my day-to-day workflow. I’ve been …

: Well, hopefully things will remain copacetic. I’m watching you, theoretically …

: If you want to hear what the Mac Studio’s fans sound like when they’re REALLY running …

: The new Mac is…working? Twice—in 24 hours—it’s stopped responding to the keyboard plugged into …

: Seeing “Tweetie2” still referenced by the current Twitter app is a trip, if you’re a certain kind of …

: Nope, that doesn’t solve it, as Safari instantly locked when I started it. Chrome does the …

: Hmm. After more head-bashing, I am suspecting my problem is actually Rogue Amoeba’s …

: While I’ve gotten everything transferred over to the new Mac without incident, Safari has been …

: I’m somewhat dismayed that the Mac Studio power light appears to stay on all the time, even …

: I don’t suppose I know anyone who knows someone at Twitter who can look into a support case …

: Racing to get a revision outline done in a story brainstorming program, Dramatica, before I …

: I haven’t had really great taco truck tacos for a long, long time. Until tonight.

: I am eating peanuts at this microbrewery near my laptop, and peanuts make little bits of peanut …

: Unnecessary update: swapped back down to 32GB of RAM. I’ve been getting by for years with …

: I may have ordered a Mac Studio and—may have overbought. Still waffling on whether to change the …

: Trade-in credit for your 2015 Apple iMac: $50 gift certificate to The Cheesecake Factory

: The silver lining of (over)buying a Mac Studio, if I convince myself to pull the trigger, is that I …

: Hmm. The “Mac Studio” plus the new display may be the official replacement for the iMac Pro/27″ …

: Well, I suppose getting a breakthrough Covid infection is sort of like an extra booster, right? …

: I have my new iPad mini, finally! I need to think about actually organizing the home screen, which I …

: For some reason when I made a post a few minutes ago, Gluon (a client I’m going to …

: If I were on Tesla’s Board of Directors, I would be telling Elon Musk it’s time to put …

: With the most recent episode, I think “Star Trek: Prodigy” has now leapt into first …

: Well, I could make my inaugural cooking-for-one dish (rosemary skillet chicken, which will almost …

: For the first time in nearly 20 years, I’m living alone—only until mid-July, but it’s still …

: It seems silly that, knowing I am moving in six months, I am buying new sheets, and a new electric …

: For some reason, my MacBook Air has decided that Apple Pay should always be confirmed on my watch, …

: I have email from a recruiter that begins “(Company Name) is looking to hire a Technical …

: After being on the Fantastical for Mac and Timepage for iPad/iPhone trains for a few years, …

: I have finally broken down and, despite my desire to mostly get rid of things before an almost …

: I’m almost chagrined at how much more I like my Kobo than my Kindle. Native ePub, better management …

: Finally getting to Susanna Clarke’s Piranesi. 📚

: My first Kobo book is A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear: The Utopian Plot to Liberate an American Town …

: I may have succumbed and bought a Kobo Libra 2 before my Christmas trip (asking for it as a …

: A few years I ago I was listening to three Radiotopia podcasts. I’m still listening to those …

: Irrationally tempted to buy a Kobo e-reader as a present to myself before a trip next month. I have …

: Well, after dropping their “Cash Reserve” savings account rate down to 0.1%, …

: When I prep my Mac for an OS upgrade, I always review installed apps to either make sure …

: Debating seeing “Dune” in a theatre. It’s clearly made for that, but even setting …

: I really need to have a garage sale for old keyboards, headphones/amps, etc., but I have no garage.

: Finally giving up on I loved them when they were Cloak; they seemed to get flakier post …

: Okay, the Expert Mouse started working again when I unbound its cord. I don’t know if that …

: I’ve been using desktop trackpads for years, but am wondering whether going back to a …

: At a (virtual) tech accessibility conference for a few days. If I was playing a drinking game where …

: Bolling Grove, along the Avenue of the Giants

: I am tempted to upgrade to the new iPad mini as a birthday present, even though I only bought the …

: “Typefaces have no gender”: this post about Klim Type Foundry’s new typeface Epicene is a long and …

: Something I’m noticing (again): while both Google and Apple can automatically add calendar events …

: Back on my vague thoughts about writing a tutorial on building modern PHP apps without frameworks. …

: Writing my own PHP microframework, as one does.

: Each trailer for the “Foundation” series is better than the one before. I really hope …

: Months after buying a domain name for a potential project, I now have a placeholder page up there. …

: Apparently I am the only one who looks at Twitter’s new font and fairly minimal UI changes, …

: I wasn’t sure if I’d use BBEdit 14’s notes feature, but I’ve been using it a …

: I’ve been linked to from Daring Fireball for the first time in years. (Granted, it’s not …

: Apple Tech Note: Resolving iCloud syncing issues. In order, try: 1. Restarting the app. 2. Logging …

: 1½ oz. light rum, ½ oz. Rhum Clement Creole Shrubb (or orange curaçao), ¼ oz. simple syrup, dash or …

: My Elixir package for BBEdit is available, with syntax highlighting, clippings, and a bundled …

: So, I ordered a new Apple Watch, and since I will lose my car for a few days at 1pm today I got …

: Managed to crack my Apple Watch this morning through an unlikely combination of catching its loop …

: Making a batch of “Joan’s Broccoli Madness” salad, from the now-defunct Sweet …

: BBEdit 14, and why you should care When TextMate burst onto the scene in the mid-2000s, it didn’t take aim at Emacs and Vim as …

: Panic’s Nova, ten months in TL;DR: I’m not using it much. I’m sure my review of Nova made it clear that I wanted to …

: Removing dark mode from my web site and microblog, at least for the time being. It’s just too …

: It still feels kind of weird to be (a) out with an iPad again, (b) out with an iPad that has an …

: Back at the unnecessarily beautiful Roundhouse Conference Center in San Ramon for the first time …

: If I could make myself use Emacs, Spacemacs would be the version of Emacs I’d be making myself …

: A BBEdit color scheme: SpaceBones, bringing a Spacemacs-inspired vibe in both light and dark …

: Pro tip in porting editor color schemes: accidentally setting the foreground and background text to …

: Working on a general review of BBEdit, but I may write a “BBEdit for technical writers” …

: Finished watching HBO Max’s “Hacks.” This is just a surprisingly great show. 📺

: Possibly somewhat ironic that my review of Panic’s Nova text editor is usually a very high hit …

: After about three minutes of use, Mimestream is instantly my favorite Gmail client. I really hope it …

: Okay, after a week with Firefox: slightly better extensions, perceptibly slower than Safari, bigger …

: TIL it is not possible to send Elixir code samples as Gmail attachments, even zipped, because Google …

: Okay, after a very short amount of time, I am leaning more toward taking the expensive keyboard back …

: Going to go out with the new iPad as a test run—I’m seeing if the M1 Air has turned me back …

: Trying to use Firefox everywhere and see how I tolerate it. It doesn’t work as well with …

: For better or worse, I am going with the smaller iPad. (I’m fortunate enough to be able to do …

: I’m preparing for the upcoming major changes to Safari’s UI by trying to get more …

: Debating returning to the iPad lifestyle with an 11" model, either the new iPad Pro or the iPad …

: It is currently 90°F where I live in Silicon Valley, down from a high today of around 95°. However, …

: If Microsoft Teams’s video chat system was any harder on the CPU, my MacBook Pro would be …

: First time I have eaten inside my local gyro place for over a year, and first time in that long …

: After a bit of back and forth with myself, cancelling the Tidal subscription I’d maintained in …

: I may make a serious push—of myself—to use BBEdit for coding again, building whatever packages I …

: Capsule review of Apple’s new Siri Remote: finally, a $60 remote that feels like it’s …

: A quick unofficial Apple Music Spatial Audio FAQ So, what is it? Music mixed in Dolby Atmos. So, like, surround sound? Yes, with an asterisk …

: If “Spatial Audio” Apple Music sounds better to you on headphones, kudos—but it really …

: A quick unofficial Apple Music Lossless FAQ So what’s the deal? Apple Music can now stream files as “lossless,” up to 24-bit …

: The Music app, at least on the Mac, has never actually changed the output sample rate to match the …

: Can we just shorten “Xcode Cloud” to ‘Xcloud"?

: WWDC capsule review: 👍 Shortcuts on Mac 👍 iPad multitasking 👎 No new Macs 👎 No iPadOS external …

: Starting a new project in PHP in 2021 feels willfully contrarian, but I think that’s part of …

: Years ago, I bought a cast iron skillet on Kickstarter, and after years of trying to get a …

: Fast food restaurants in California are opening for dine-in again. Nature is healing.

: Occasionally I bumble into a TV show that’s way better than it has any reason to be. This …

: It seemed like iTunes/Music was de-emphasizing star ratings for songs over the last few years, but …

: It’s interesting—and disconcerting—seeing which places around Sacramento are following the …

: Been a while since I’ve had a cocktail outside my apartment, and this Old Fashioned looks …

: There is a road in Oakland called Hegenberger. There is a burger place on Hegenberger called …

: Sometimes I want to write more about “mid-fi” audio stuff, which I define thusly: both …

: Okay, I’ve only seen the first episode of “Hacks,” but it was surprisingly …

: I just put Overcast on my M1 MacBook Air, and realized this is actually the first time I’ve …

: When I turned on my TV just now, it told me “now there are video podcasts, like Joe Rogan, on …

: I never really liked “dark mode” on the Mac until Big Sur, especially coupled with a …

: I often find the “Less Wrong” style more wearisome than enlightening, but it’s …

: In 2019, my iPad Pro had completely supplanted my MacBook, and I spent more time on it then my iMac. …

: I’m not sure whether it’s worse if this is a fake dialog box, or if it’s real.

: I tried NextDNS for a bit, but its default blocklist is so aggressive I think I’m backing off …

: Okay, giving up on getting Time Machine to work automatically over my local wireless network. It …

: Now that we’re barely a month away from WWDC, it seems like a good time to upgrade my desktop …

: Update: day after the second vaccine and I feel fine. Apparently donuts work.

: The Peril of “No Politics” Basecamp is both the name of a small tech company and their primary product, a web-based project …

: I have perhaps optimistically booked my first “staycation” in over a year, in about …

: And got the second vaccine dose. So far no ill effects but the day is young! 💉

: “Musk suffers from the common frailty of those who are smart and successful in one field and …


: Jimboy’s Tacos—a chain based out of Sacramento that makes what research will tell you is Kansas …

: Increasingly convinced that while the AT&T-owned HBO is trying turn itself into the new Netflix, …

: Apple Disk Utility is a pile of garbage soaked in oil, lit on fire, and set adrift on a toxic river.

: Disk Utility’s “First Aid” has been running on my Time Machine volume—a 500GB …

: The Mac and the iPad aren’t meeting in the middle yet At the end of 2010, John Gruber of Daring Fireball wrote in a Macworld column, The central conceit …

: Tried the Magic Keyboard on my desktop because my Matias Mini Tactile Pro is SUPER LOUD. And even …

: Tim Cook: We’re long overdue for refreshing the iMac design. Anyone have any ideas? Craig …

: While I very rarely use TeX these days, I’ve been using a Markdown processor that follows …

: I just had a good App Clip experience in the wild! A restaurant check had a QR code that brought up …

: I’ve settled on Ulysses as my main prose writing program now, despite my reservations about …

: How you know someone is a technical writer: they not only read the manual first, they judge it

: Even in 2021, any new server-side web app with even a vain hope of being installed by people who are …

: Occasionally I buy a new domain name on the theory that it will spur me to actually create the …

: No idea when I’ll be able to schedule a Covid vaccine, but the weather is now comfortable …

: Am I the only one whose interest in a new site/service immediately drops if it proudly proclaims …

: I’m pretty sure I’ve been spending more on restaurants during the pandemic thanks to …

: I feel like I’m getting the zen of Panic’s Nova, at least with my relatively simple …

: I’ve done some minor updates to Coyote Tracks, my web site, tweaking the styling and updating …

: I keep noodling around with a little PHP project, but keep digging in my heels at how…big modern PHP …

: The stickering has begun.

: Honestly, I keep thinking “hey, maybe I should try and write a new just-a-blogging platform …

: I’m surprised nobody’s forked WordPress yet to hang onto the original editor. (Of …

: My favorite critic writes about my favorite TV show, “For All Mankind.”

: It’s always worrying when writers I like get overly concerned about the dire effects of …

: So what are people using for “read it later” services these days, if anything? I …

: I’m retooling my hand-coded personal website to be slightly more maintainable, turning most of …

: Rabbit’s Foot Meadery just north of me in Sunnyvale, the biggest mead producer in the United …

: Yikes, any Hacker News thread that touches on “culture war” topics sure brings out the …

: Unusual thing to miss during the pandemic: the Roundhouse, a conference center at a business park in …

: Something I just learned about Fry’s: when struggling in 2019, they switched to a consignment …

: Strange that Fry’s is silently finishing its slow-motion corporate collapse, while I’ve …

: I think I’ve hit my personal limit for “it’s been a whole month and the world …

: I’m really excited for season 2 of “For All Mankind”…and I think I only know one …

: I have a 4K HDR Blu-Ray player and exactly one disc for it. (“The Lion King,” for the …

: My new M1 MacBook Air fails to sync iCloud data at least three times as fast as the old Air!

: In the good-news-question-mark? department: the San Jose metro area’s Covid new case rate has …

: I’ve been wondering if my projects have suffered because it’s so difficult now to …

: I have created my own Cuban-style mojo marinade recipe for roast pork, which I’ll test out …

: And, Zenburn for @panic Nova is released:… I am one of those odd ducks …

: There are a lot of things I should be spending my time on, but apparently the only one I have …

: Me: I think I am giving up on headphones and just getting some solid desktop speakers. Also me: Ooo, …

: I’ve tried two different Bluetooth/AirPod control widgets for the Mac. AirBuddy is more …

: As I sit outside with my laptop watching its battery drain, do I wish my M1-based Air was already …

: It may be raining when I go to pick up my lunch, but at least the rain will stop in [checks notes] a …

: I’m trying to talk myself out of upgrading my MacBook Air to an M1-based model, but I’m …

: Seeing rumors that the new iMac sizes will go from 21″ and 27″ to 24″ and 32″. First world problems, …

: You know, I kinda want to upgrade my iMac to macOS 11, but I’m going to hold off off until …

: Holy hand grenades—the only program I know that started back on BeOS that still survives to this …

: Back in Spring Hill, Florida, the town I went to high school in—outside a hip microbrewery. When I …

: The common wisdom is that movie theatres may go the way of the dodo now, but I suspect, in a few …

: Somehow Clermont, Florida, became interesting when I wasn’t paying attention.

: As an SF Bay Area resident, I shouldn’t idly look at Kansas City real estate. “3BR/2BA …

: Many years ago Tampa tried a “Channelside” entertainment district that largely flopped. …

: Michelle Yeoh mostly sells it through the sheer power of being Michelle Yeoh, but Star Trek: …

: San Francisco’s Cliff House restaurant is shutting down, a combination of the pandemic and …

: Taking a personal day, and taking advantage of outdoor dining while it’s still available. The …

: I’ve been at my current job over two and a half years—the longest time I’ve been at the …

: Finally admitting that “nag self to do healthy things” apps just irritate me and moving …

: Finally buying a Blu-Ray player before the Thanksgiving weekend sales disappear. I’m not sure …

: “All Things Must Pass,” Colin Hanks’s documentary about Tower Records, is a lot of …

: For a few years now my Thanksgiving quasi-tradition has been me and two or three close friends going …

: Despite often making fun of smooth jazz, I’ve found it’s great to have on as background …

: Giving Zenni Optical a shot for new glasses. I’m annoyed that they won’t let me enter …

: I’ve been using Ulysses off and on for years and just figured out what filters are good for. …

: Trying to figure out how to minimize risk to myself and my mother for Christmas, as I’m …

: It’s been fascinating to go into the Trailers app on Apple TV, or trailer web sites, and see …

: I appreciate this place having outdoor patio seating, but it’s approaching the time of year …

: You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but …

: I am tempted to buy the M1-based MacBook Air despite having bought, earlier this year, a (cough) …

: From mid-2018 through early 2020, my iPad Pro was my main portable. In early 2020 I bought the (last …

: The Hacker News community celebrates the Mac moving to an entirely new CPU architecture with the …

: Ulysses has behaved well enough under previous Big Sur betas that I wasn’t prepared for it to …

: I may have to break down and order another keyboard with Matias Quiet Click key switches. I love the …

: I am not quite making good on my quasi-joke to my boss at virtual standup today about working …

: I don’t know whether this is celebrating victory or drowning sorrows yet, but it’s this …

: I’ve encountered the first use of iOS “App Clips” in the wild I’ve seen, a …

: Hacker News is angry with me for criticizing Glenn Greenwald, but sorry: his work on Snowden …

: I am losing a 606-day stand streak on the Apple Watch because it lost data when I had to erase and …

: quibi (KWI-bee), noun. A unit of time for measuring the lifespan of ill-conceived internet startups: …

: In an article about Tab diet cola ending production, I learned Odwalla has also entirely stopped …

: A lot of iPhone nerds seem to be dithering about choices this year: the Pro phones have both gotten …

: First world podcast addict problems: I really dig Castro’s inbox/queue model for organizing …

: There are persistent rumors that Apple will make portless iPhones next year that only charge …

: If you can’t shake the HomePod Mini and have its display light up with ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES …

: Mini-rant: whenever people want to mock audiophiles they joke about “gold cables.” …

: A brief chat about Chuck Wendig, the Internet Archive, and bad information spread in good faith Because I’ve got a bug up my butt about this again, let’s briefly dig into a social …

: I have enjoyed having lots of craft beer to support local breweries during the Plague Year, but it …

: Ever so slightly alarming that when I search for “panic nova review” in both Duck Duck …

: Ah: I hadn’t realized “Ted Lasso” was co-created by Bill Lawrence, of …

: The local Rock Bottom Brewery has re-opened with a LOT of patio seating. It’s sort of odd: …

: Well, the new speakers sound terrific if I stuff foam into their rear ports, but is this an …

: It seems like the same Catalyst apps are better on Big Sur than they are on Catalina, like the TV …

: “Ted Lasso” is, at least three and a half episodes in, not only a needed injection of …

: Now that macOS Big Sur is almost out, I guess it’s okay to update my iMac to Catalina.

: I really shouldn’t buy new things as a way to relieve stress, because the way this year is …

: After a bit of hammering, I have tentatively concluded that in fact I can’t make an …

: Panic's Nova text editor (a review) Panic, the long-established makers of Mac utility software, seems fully aware that introducing a …

: The air is clear for the first time in nearly two weeks and I am going to Shake Shack, dammit.

: I feel like writing up a review of Panic’s Nova code editor, but I have to decide if I’m …

: Switched back to my old desktop speakers to see whether the new ones really sound better to me. And …

: Well, it’s sure nice that the high temperatures today came in about ten degrees lower than …

: I keep toying with the idea of buying a Linux laptop, then remind myself that the chance of me …

: Blue Apron has been good for kicking me in the butt a bit for cooking again, after many years, but …

: The new desk is here, and—I’m conflicted. It’s pretty but clearly not well-built, and …

: ‪I like the Art of Noise and Tom Jones cover of “Kiss” better than Prince’s original. Sorry, …

: My “day job” work setup is setting a laptop up on a stand on the desk in front of my …

: Update: the new speakers came in earlier than expected. Also as expected, they do not fit on the old …

: Now that I’ve cleared everything off my desk but the iMac in preparation for a new desk later …

: I’m always irrationally amused by putting in an address of a company I’ve just done …

: I’ve finally ordered a slightly bigger desk and, with some trepidation, new powered speakers …

: For years I’ve expected to move back to Florida to take care of my mom. Despite a push this …

: So now it seems like I’m going to end up with a binder for CDs and a separate photo …

: In preparation for a possible (seemingly down from “probable”) move, I’m trying to …

: After using Big Sur for less than a week, my two biggest aesthetic complaints are (1) the menu text …

: Currently reading: It Was All a Lie by Stuart Stevens 📚

: I really, really liked HBO’s noir revival of “Perry Mason.” Four out of four …

: I’m bemused to say it, but I think I liked the first episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks. 📺

: When I launched macOS Big Sur, I thought, “Oh, that transparency isn’t much at …

: Immediate impression of macOS Big Sur: Apple looked over at the sweeping UI changes Windows made a …

: Currently reading: White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson 📚

: As much as I feel like I should be moving away from Google services, I’m finally getting …

: I have discovered that I still have the box for my iPhone 3GS, and inside it is: my original iPhone. …

: I’m narrowing in on the desktop audio system I’m likely to buy, but since I will have to …

: Well, I suppose Apple technically has one more day to get the Big Sur public beta out in July? My …

: Trying a bit of an experiment with indiebookclub, an “IndieWeb” experiment in …

: Finished reading: The Quick Red Fox by John D. MacDonald 📚

: Hmm. Well, I was going to securely erase my old backup drive, but after an hour or so of trying I …

: Taking the shocking step of finally cancelling Netflix.

: I’m realizing, after years of pretending otherwise, that I’m not really a headphone …

: Today’s very expensive lesson: Magic Trackpads are super fragile. I didn’t know this was …

: I have come out of the virtual writing workshop I’ve been at with ~1300 words written on a new …

: It’s so hard to find a café or brewery that I’m comfortable sitting at now—it needs an …

: After a year or so with iA Writer, I’m trying going back to Ulysses again as a writing …

: I really want the public beta of macOS Big Sur; I’m wondering if they’re not releasing …

: I feel like I’m in quite a minority in actually liking macOS’s full screen mode on …

: I’ll be surprised if John Lithgow doesn’t get an Emmy nomination for “Perry …

: It feels like every indie podcast I listen to has started a new paid membership program in the last …

: Socially distant.

: I’ve just started reading the third Travis McGee Novel, A Purple Place for Dying. McGee, a PI …

: Trying to learn how to stop multitasking is quite a struggle now.

: Finally giving Spotify a good trial run after years of using Apple Music, and…eh? I like …

: Blue Apron has just informed me “Important update! Your order has changed,” by which …

: The more I play with other editors, the more I realize what I really want is BBEdit with two modern …

: Realizing that I have an Apple developer account which has expired—and is associated with a company …

: Since I’ve been blocked on a theoretical sequel to “Kismet” for…two years, maybe I …

: Microsoft is closing its retail stores. This is a retreat from the consumer market, which makes me …

: I am usually fairly reticent about installing beta OSes on my devices, but I really want to install …

:… This makes me sad and a little nervous about my great (and …

: I just realized that Reeder, my RSS app, has a “Reading List” account that can save any …

: Teriyaki quest update: I made a version earlier this week which was good but not correct, and this …

: Visual Studio Code with Intelephense is so good for PHP work it’s making it hard for me to …

: True confession: I really miss mall chicken teriyaki, and am probably going to have to break down …

: In my ongoing effort to make a work-from-home setup that involves a personal iMac, an …

: So, on my first day out to see Sunnyvale’s new outdoor dining area, I can back to find my car …

: A little weird being in Sacramento with so few people wearing masks compared to the Bay Area.

: You know, I didn’t actually hate Apple’s butterfly keyboard until I bought the new …

: Trail at Sabercat Historical Park in the Fremont hills.

: Finally making my way into the second season of “Counterpart,” and Olivia Williams is SO …

: I kind of want a new Mac mini, but I’ve already bought too many gadgets in the name of End …

: Man, some people on Hacker News get super cranky when you say web fonts make sites more consistent …

: After years of a muddled music library, I’m revamping it all to have local music entirely out …

: I seem to be starting the process of semi-seriously looking for a home in Vallejo. I’m as …

: The exit survey page when I canceled my TIDAL subscription is broken in Safari, which somehow seems …

: The awesome Mac OS Catalina fonts you didn’t know you had access to - Typography.Guru

: I still want a program that’s basically Scrivener for Markdown—organize files into folders …

: Sitting on a bench in the shade in a park with my laptop isn’t the same as sitting in my …

: I’ve again given up and gone out shopping rather than getting delivery, after Safeway’s …

: I headed out for lunch with the intention of getting ingredients for that broccoli salad, but ended …

: I’ll miss Sweet Tomatoes sort of in spite of itself, but at least I’ll still have …

: It occurs to me that I’ve gone for some kind of takeout every day for the last three. I …

: Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use a design …

: I’m amused that the first ticket filed against my Nova theme came about an hour after it was …

: Working on a theme for Panic’s Nova editor based on the default theme from Espresso, a web …

: After stumbling into his YouTube channel, I have bought the ebook of Kent Rollins' cookbook “A …

: I’ve always loved the five o’clock-ish cocktail hour at home. I’ve heard that the …

: I think what I’m learning from much more cooking is: I need new pans. I’ve ordered a new …

: I’m pretty sure I’m spending way more supporting Bay Area microbreweries during …

: Feeling a bit of strain using the trackpad today, so going very old school. (If you’re a …

: Despite the fact that I’m not remotely a baker, I’ve ended up ordering 10 pounds of …

: Shuffling as much from Dropbox to iCloud Drive as I can, so I can uninstall the Mac Dropbox app. …

: There are times I wish I had the money to fund reboots/reincarnations of once-beloved web sites that …

: A new lens I ordered for my woefully underused Pen-F camera came in—and it makes the camera too big …

: I have rediscovered the charming pointlessness of the iTunes Visualizer. Remember when that was a …

: Making a little “shelter-at-home diary” showing where I’ve been for shopping and …

: I’m poking again at PHP, and seeing how “modern” I can get without feeling like …

: Just discovering the Starz show “Counterpart” now that it’s finished—after only …

: Starting to suspect Blue Apron is secretly funded by the Kale Growers of America.

: No, YOU drove an irrational distance to a Sonic Drive-In when it occurred to you they were basically …

: (1) It took me just a few hours to realize how much I like the iPad mini form factor for this …

: A laptop that I really want to carry around with me upends assumptions I’ve had about Correct …

: Since I’m finding myself on video conference calls a lot more during this period, I was …

: Just before the shelter-in-place order, the office gave me a new MacBook Pro, but since it …

: And soon to face my increasingly common daily mental battle between “make another sandwich at …

: First ~30 minutes with the Air: yes, this is good.

: I may break down and start wearing a scarf, bandana, or shemagh as a face mask when I go out …

: CARROT Weather users: in preparation for the eventual removal of the Dark Sky API (thanks, Tim …

: My new MacBook Air will arrive today! I can’t wait to take it out to a café and… uh…

: Font nerd confessions: I’ve never thought Avenir was good for body text. It’s distinctive, but in a …

: Tonight, I attempt a beef stew with beer in the Instant Pot, which will be the first time I have …

: Using PHP for a little web project I might do makes sense in terms of its ease of deployment, but …

: Ordering a fairly big batch of food from Wingstop. I am not sure this whole sheltering-at-home thing …

: As I read posts from people in other areas talking about how they’re just now moving to …

: Well, I’m getting better at making semi-real lattes with my Nespresso machine by just heating …

: Me: I should really find a silver lining to having to get back to home cooking, and get more serious …

: Signs of the old Apple For a long time, there’s been two competing narratives about Apple’s pricing: …

: I have ordered a new Air, with my existing MacBook Pro 13" (the two-port, no Touch Bar model) …

: Man, I was all set to pretty much instabuy the new MacBook Air if one was announced with a decent …

: You know, making a deal for one of the best QBs in football history just as sports is cancelled …

: Switching my Yes Plz coffee subscription from one bag every three weeks to weekly for a while. Time …

: At Safeway an hour ago to pick up a pretty normal grocery basket; the place is overrun by people …

: I made the mistake of checking my investments, which are mostly retirement accounts. Yikes.

: Downtown San Jose isn’t a ghost town, but it’s quieter than normal, and I suspect going …

: It took me a moment

: AV Club review: “The new Amazing Stories doesn’t live up to its title.” So, …

: Both of the third-party Microblog clients I’ve tried (Icro and Gluon) seem to have no way to …

: Ah, so looking forward to rage-filled theories offering every possible explanation for how Sanders …

: Is there a way to tell Homebrew “if an application was installed from a bottle, then …

: I’m debating whether reading Chuck Wendig’s Wanderers, an epic about an apocalyptic …

: The problem with iPadOS’s windowing/switching features isn’t that they’re not …

: The trailer for each Wes Anderson movie leaves one thinking, upon watching, that there cannot be a …

: Finally managed to get new earpads for my Viso HP50 headphones, and reminded that they’re my …

: Dieter Bohn makes a disquietingly good point in his newsletter: while Apple’s managed …

: Axios AM newsletter today: lead article explictly making the case that moderate Democrats should …

: I’m sure there are more nerve-wracking things than getting a text from your mom saying …

: If the DNC letting Bloomberg in the debate was really the conspiracy Twitter tells me it was, …

: Ezra Klein’s critique of the underlying oligarchy of Bloomberg’s campaign is smart, …

: There are an increasing number of reasons to dislike Amazon, but a prosaic one is that their own …

: It’s strange how transgressive it feels to carry a modern, all-glass smartphone around without …

: Every time I make the mistake of reading my twitter timeline recently, I’ve come away …

: While I’m hopeful iPadOS is on track to get better text and external keyboard handling, …

: I’m kind of tempted to buy tickets for the Monkees concert coming up in April, even knowing …

: Going back to trying the “fitBAG,” a tight sleeve for my iPhone rather than a case. It …

: As I reevaluate what I want to be using the iPad for, I’m starting to reconsider whether the 12.9” …

: I’ve known Twitter has been bad for my mental health for a while, but it’s gotten to the …

: I’m not sure exactly when hardware Kindles started letting you add your own custom fonts, but …

: I’m not sure why “monospaced coding fonts with language-specific ligatures” became …

: For various reasons, I’m noodling around with web site UX/design again and contemplating tools …

: I have been given access to the beta version of a new text editor and it is hard to describe to most …

: Just bought something from the Samsung online store with an Apple Card and feeling irrationally …

: “iOS is great for writers,” I say, stabbing my finger repeatedly at a text field hoping …

: Zeno’s pastry: when any pie or cake is left in an office breakroom, people start taking …

: As part of new year “cleaning,” I’m ruthlessly clearing out years of accumulated …

: Hm. Speaking of Panic’s upcoming Nova code editor, I just noticed that they removed the link …

: Canceled my subscription to The Economist. I rarely have time to read it, and as good as much of the …

: I admit the screenshots of Panic’s upcoming Nova code editor make me kind of excited to try …

: Finished The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal a few days ago, and it’s a great …

: I think I may have finally had a galaxy-brain moment of how to use BBEdit as a Scrivener …

: Switching back to Castro as a podcast player, after switching back to Overcast for the last few …

: While I didn’t technically get AirPods Pro for Christmas, I got a check which just about …

: A silver lining of a layover in Phoenix: one of the best coffee shops you can find at any airport, …

: Thinking more about it, I really want a plain text editor with Scrivener’s organization and …

: Wrestling with the thought of going back to using, you know, a word processor to write stories. Not …

: It seems like 2020 or 2021 will be the year either I move back to Florida to be with my elderly …

: The Tampa Bay food scene—including coffee and beer—has really taken off over the last five years. …

: I’m finding myself wobbling between MultiMarkdown Composer and iA Writer on the Mac. I suspect …

: Using the infotainment/nav system in my mom’s Subaru makes me appreciate the one in my Honda …

: Hanging out at the Brass Tap in Wesley Chapel, Florida, which became my go-to beer bar in this area …

: As much as I appreciate Away luggage supporting all the tech podcasts, “carry a charger in …

: My favorite web typography curmudgeon contemplates the Brave web browser, pinpointing my own …

: Coming to the decision point for an upcoming two-week trip: iPad-only, MacBook-only, or take both? …

: I have accidentally found a mysterious alleyway Mexican place in Sacramento that has Cafe de Olla on …

: Affinity Publisher probably isn’t a true InDesign competitor yet if you need truly serious …

: Scheduling a Lyft ahead of time for an airport ride at 4am on Saturday the 14th. I’m hoping …

: Firefox seems to log me out of web sites constantly and breaks functionality of several sites in …

: I don’t really have a bucket list, but I suspect if I did, tonight’s dinner at the …

: The best thing about Firefox for me is likely EFF’s Privacy Badger—I’m not interested in …

: I’m finding myself going back to MultiMarkdown Composer as my prose writing app of choice. …

: Update: I have ordered the TV. Now I can spend days wondering if it was a mistake! (I do this after …

: Considering finally pulling the trigger on a new television, which would be the first one I’ve …

: “For All Mankind” causes my receiver to show “Object” where it’d …

: So, I can’t pull up the find and replace panel on iOS iA Writer unless predictive text is enabled. …

: I checked the sound level of typing on the MacBook Pro’s butterfly keyboard and on a …

: My biggest challenge with Firefox is years of launching/switching to the browser by typing Cmd-Space …

: After yet another instance of opening a Scrivener project and having it freak out about “file …

: For the first time in many years, I’m going to try running Firefox as my default browser. As …

: Phil Schiller’s comments that “we’re both advancing the butterfly keyboard, and …

: Assuming the new(ish) Apple laptop keyboard shows up on the MacBook Air in its next revision, that …

: The conference center I’m camped out at (my Secret Remote Office™) has free wifi that gets 207 Mbps …

: My local McDonald’s has gone through a massive interior design update to be brighter, more …

: While it’s already a few days into November, I think I’m going to commit to …

: A fair number of commenters on Hacker News are just really humorless gits, aren’t they?

: We are being introduced to the potential magic of the Instant Pot™ tonight.

: Hopes for Apple products in 2020: (a) a terrific MacBook Air update with a new, reliable keyboard; …

: Sort of ironic that I’m hitting a “I have to take a brief break from writing” …

: While I have never attended WWDC, I feel like Samsung’s dev conference is giving me the …

: Wandering through one of the few places that my iPhone really sticks out oddly: the Samsung …

: Am I doing something wrong, or is it just potluck whether a “slideover” app in iOS 13 …

: So guessing at this point the chances of an October event from Apple are pretty minimal.

: MacOS Catalina is the first release I can think of, possibly ever, where the quirks—both intentional …

: Sometimes my “office view” is very pleasant on remote-work Thursdays.

: Notes from the Road For a while about a decade ago, I was doing tech blogging; I never rose to “A-list …

: Finally unsubscribing from Medium’s weekly digest rather than deleting it each week after …

: One of the employees at the DMV is wearing a “RUN DMV” t-shirt.

: I played around with Operator Mono, Hoefler & Co.’s $199+ font for coding, and—it’s …

: I was asked, “what’s the name for the kind of government on the Ring,” referring …

: To our great surprise, Chevy’s runs credit cards at the table—and now takes Apple Pay.

: Visiting one of the last remaining Chevy’s in the SF Bay Area. These were everywhere when I …

: Now going two-for-two in attempting to order from Jet, giving up, and going back to Amazon. This …

: As I restlessly try virtually every monospaced font there is for terminal, coding and prose, …

: Chewing on a very first world problem: Southwest’s tickets from San Jose to Tampa are so …

: Suspecting the execs at Regus have been watching the WeWork saga over the last few months and …

: Ubuntu users, how do you deal with the “system restart required” message on login for …

: I occasionally have a perverse desire to set up my next Linux server(s) using Slackware. More likely …

: If you have more than a half-dozen items, a staffed checkout lane at a grocery store is almost …

: I always feel oddly guilty when I go to an ostensibly authentic family-owned Mexican place and think …

: Hot take: “See” may be set to remind us that “high concept” can be so high …

: You know how when you get to a neat hipster brewery but decide it’s too crowded and you …

: The Sons of Liberty Alehouse in San Leandro has won my affection by having a cocktail on the menu …

: I’m a little put out that Rails 6 doesn’t support scrypt as an option for …

: Back on the iPad, using the Brydge Keyboard again, too. While I’m liking it more after my time …

: I’m looking forward to my TouchType iPad keyboard case arriving, but I’m also suspecting …

: NetNewsWire 5 is almost too minimalistic an RSS reader for me (I love my font controls, thank you), …

: Now that I’m back to using my 13″ MBP daily, I’ve got to admit that (looks around) …

: I’m really looking forward to Raise Hell: the Life and Times of Molly Ivins, even though …

: San Francisco’s KFOG is finally going off the air, after having its heart ripped out a few …

: There’s a delightfully dingy local craft brewery tap room in the middle of Palo Alto’s …

: How to tell the café is in Palo Alto: finding the correct wifi network among the 51 that show up in …

: Also, a note re: the mocking of “how to clean your Apple Card”: as someone who carried a …

: There are many things that I like about Hacker News as a community, but the prevalence of …

: A closed Korean restaurant across from my office has become a pizza place, but they haven’t …

: In SF for Relay FM’s 5th anniversary show, which gives me enough time for a drink at the …

: Okay, despite its quirks and close-but-not-perfect Mac compatibility, after just a week the Vortex …

: I admit I’m slightly tempted by the Apple Card in order to get the 3% cash back on Apple …

: Even though I don’t use it anymore, I’m sad that Bitbucket is dropping Mercurial …

: I’ve long been good enough with Vim to add plugins, but I think I’ve finally gotten good …

: The Prolific Oven, a small chain of great bakeries in Silicon Valley for nearly 40 years, is …

: As I’m experimenting with using my MacBook more again, I’m switching caps lock back to …

: Hey, CSS gurus: My blog at is supposed to load fonts from …

: The iPad needs more focus on the little things I’ve been using an iPad Pro instead of a laptop for going on two years now, and have …

: Yesterday was the first day “in the field” using my neglected MacBook Pro in probably a …

: I was considering going back to my MacBook for the day’s outing, after more than a year of …

: One of my Tommy Bahama shirts has ripped in the wash after just a few years. I’m ordering …

: Apparently most of Morgan Hill (California) is without internet right now, which I am learning …

: I preferred the “old” software upgrade model to the subscription model, but when you do …

: Despite my impressions with the key tester-slash-fidget toy that I have, I really prefer Cherry MX …

: After 24 hrs with the Race 3 keyboard: I like these MX Browns, but may still like Clears more Love …

: So further experiments with the Race 3 keyboard: (1) what passes for a manual gives the wrong …

: Playing with a new 75% mechanical keyboard, the Vortex Race 3. While there are definitely things …

: So far, my experiences with Fountain-based screenwriting apps on both iOS and macOS can be summed up …

: I wish I’d known used FedEx SmartPost instead of normal FedEx; …

: The more I hear about macOS Catalina’s new security model, the more I am tempted to check out …

: All of the tech types that I follow on blogs and podcasts have decided the Apple Watch just …

: Update: I have ordered the chair. 💸

: I’ve wanted a new, high-quality office chair for years, but it is really tough to get myself …

: Finding myself wondering what an IndieWeb “Patreon for one” CMS would look like if it …

: Multi-file project based editing, plain text file formats, solid syncing between Mac/PC and iOS: …

: Finding myself make a bullet list of my ideal “project-based writing app,” i.e., like …

: Ben Brooks' melancholy “The Gray I Know” strikes a chord. I love the SF Bay Area, but if …

: Going back and looking at my old tech blog a bit. (1) I started it earlier than I remembered. (2) I …

: I’d love to see Apple funding podcasts not by making them exclusive, but by taking advantage …

: I’m trying IGG’s Banktivity 7 as a replacement for Mint. It looks just as capable and …

: To date I haven’t been able to find a single Markdown-based writing app that will export a …

: My love of @SluglineApp seems increasingly more theory than practice, mostly based on the way it …

: Finally deleted my Mint account rather than letting it limp along, mostly unused, connections to …

: The (now gone) pizza of doom.

: I don’t know how authentic this is as “Detroit style,” but I like the look …

: Every so often I have the nagging suspicion that I should have just gotten Apple’s own …

: My switch away from Simple as my primary bank is now (mostly) complete. Yes, I’m going back to …

: Review: Brydge 12.9″ Keyboard Pro I take my 12.9″ iPad Pro to the office every weekday, where I sneak in writing during lunch breaks. …

: Working on a review of the Brydge Keyboard after living with it for about a month. This picture may …

: This article on the death of New Coke is just amazing writing, and more relevant than you might …

: With the update of the MacBook Air today, we can assume a new keyboard this year isn’t gonna …

: Giving Firefox a serious try as a main browser, mostly to use the EFF’s Privacy Badger. So far …

: I’ve been waffling on this for a while, but I’ve become a member of Longreads, one of …

: Just noticed one of the servers here is wearing a Canon EOS 60D neck strap as a belt. I kind of love …

: Sometimes microbreweries are great places to camp out and write. This particular one, on this …

: One of my favorite essays in science fiction is John Kessel’s “Creating the Innocent …

: Comfortable enough with my fork of the LJ downloading tool and the LJ XML-to-Day One importer to …

: Found two Ruby scripts to grab old LIveJournal entries and then import them into Day One. But they …

: Keeping a journal I can go back and reread is both a blessing and a curse; I was pretty depressed …

: Told that today is “National Mai Tai Day.” I’m dubious, but here’s a mai …

: I dearly love Soulver, but I may just buy version 3 while it’s on sale this month…and not use …

: If I ever launch one of the web services I keep thinking of, it’ll have Google Nothing. No …

: My NAD HP50 headphones seem to be kind of falling apart, so I took the opportunity to get Master …

: So iOS 13 will not have a way to add arbitrary fonts; apps have to declare all their fonts at App …

: Medium just brought up a JavaScript alert prompt asking me if I really wanted to close its tab when …

: I’m actually cautiously optimistic about scripting languages being removed from macOS’s …

: Switching back to the Magic Keyboard after being all in on the Brydge Keyboard for three weeks or so …

: Making my way through the Pragmatic Studio’s course on Rails 6. I’m not sure what …

: I’m becoming more aware of little tiny hiccups in my work flow that iPadOS will solve. …

: You know, I would still pay a probably stupid premium for a tenkeyless Magic Keyboard in gray/black …

: A hyperbolic expression of frustration— Adobe: we’re bringing full Photoshop to the iPad! …

: My moment of wry amusement for the day: being reminded that Ars Technica’s article taxonomy …

: Google Meet won’t run in Safari on the Mac. But if I launch it from MailPlane, it works …

: While I’m not sure “The Dark Side of Dark Mode” convinces me dark mode is evil, …

: I may have hit my “subscription fatigue” point: I’m using Unread as an RSS reader …

: Props to the Buckhorn Steakhouse in Winters, California, the most reasonably-priced and least …

: “In iPadOS Apple has finally dropped all pretense of living in a post-PC world where file …

: Semi-controversial programming take: Ruby is actually a great scripting language.

: After a week with the Brydge keyboard for my 12.9" iPad, two contradictory thoughts: (1) I love …

: Finding myself balking at paying Dropbox’s price hike to $120/yr, made more painful by their …

: Wrote an OmniOutliner to Fountain/Markdown export script that can either save to the clipboard or to …

: I love the idea of the JavaScript automation system throughout OmniGroup apps, but (at least from …

: Continuing my semi-secret “breweries with wifi > coffee shops with wifi” crusade. I …

: One thing that was widely predicted and speculated on about macOS “Catalina” was …

: I’ll be on my way to Haberdasher soon. This is not an official WWDC event at Haberdasher, …

: It seems actively cruel to our Windows-using comrades to publish all these “iTunes is …

: I am a little worried that the Brydge Keyboard might bend the iPad Pro: you have to open the …

: For folks at/around WWDC who didn’t get a “Talk Show Live” ticket: I’ll be …

: The iOS 13 font improvements are neat, but I hope there’s a way to install any font, not just …

: A decade ago the Mac Pro started at $2499. Today’s redesign starts at $5999. Given its target …

: My suspicion is that in the long run the biggest announcement of this WWDC will prove to be SwiftUI. …

: Not so hot take: kvetching about how expensive the highest-end Apple products are is silly; a $6000 …

: I kind of want to write an OmniOutliner plugin that will export to Fountain screenplay outline …

: Also: it is ever so ironic that the Brydge keyboard plus the 12.9" iPad Pro makes a thicker and …

: I think I like the Brydge keyboard after a few minutes, but the recessed keyboard is going to take a …

: Okay, consider it definitely set: the “Not Going to the Talk Show Live” hangout at …

: Considering an informal “I didn’t get Talk Show Live tickets, either” meetup at …

: I got my seemingly busted Cherry MX “clear” keyboard working again when I discovered one …

: And there’s the notice from FedEx which says, in effect, “Did we say delivered today? Ha …

: Waiting on my Brydge Keyboard. FedEx tells me it’s scheduled for delivery today, but also …

: Sitting at the kitchen counter at The Kitchen. This is dinner theater in the truest sense.

: Dinner at The Kitchen started with gourmet lemon basil Otter Pops.

: Through a bit of perseverance and luck, I’ve gotten a reservation at The Kitchen in Sacramento …

: Sort of curious why Ruby on Rails has seemingly lost so much mindshare over the last five-ish years. …

: Had the shocking realization that I’d have preferred to pay for a, say, $39/year subscription …

: Random (but not angry) thoughts on 'Game of Thrones' (This will have spoilers for previously-aired episodes. Avert your eyes if you care.) …

: Digging back into web frameworks out of idle curiosity. Rails is better than I remember, because …

: Moving back to Florida has varied for me between “abstract future” and …

: I have to admit, working from a park where there’s rarely much more noise than wind rustling …

: Biggest downside to the software keyboard on the iPad: it’s way more likely to make me look …

: Weird: the bar downstairs from the office is doing a “Tiki Tuesday,” but all the drinks …

: Me: it’d sure be nice if Simple, my online bank, improved their bill-paying service to accept …

: I can’t help but wonder if the Starbucks cup on last night’s GoT wasn’t a …

: The first three episodes of Game of Thrones' new season reminded me why I love the show when …

: Hmm. I like Reeder 4, but when it comes down to it, I think I like the “web app” version …

: As I’ve moved to the iPad full-time as my “laptop,” I’m waiting for my …

: It’s not that working from coffee shops is bad, it’s just that working from …

: Realm, a database company I did brief time at, is being acquired by MongoDB for $39M—after raising …

: I was pretty sure Alan Parsons had retired from the studio, but he dropped a new album on Friday …

: After using Day One in fits and starts since I bought it a few years ago, toward the start of this …

: This obituary for Gene Wolfe is one of the most brilliant, weirdly sweet articles I’ve read …

: I’m going to have to put together my “Local’s Guide to downtown San Jose for …

: After a long time of letting my Kindle Voyage lie around unloved, I’m rediscovering its joys, …

: Crazy idea: what if the next macOS has the Shortcuts app—and that app includes Automator actions?

: It’s so much easier to say “anyone who disagrees with me must be ignorant or …

: Having a cilantro-heavy salsa which I like. This doesn’t sound unusual, but I am one of the …

: I can’t guarantee my drink is more fun than yours, but it’s fun.

: It occurs to me that I might be seriously overthinking my todo list needs, and that Apple Notes …

: I like Discovery, yet I can’t help but hope there’s going to be a new Star Trek series …

: I think I should go back to plain paper task tracking again, a la TaskPaper, but I wish there was an …

: I’m always nervous about using my Kindle Voyage without a case, yet it feels so much better …

: I should be working on either Office Stuff or Personal Stuff, but I think I am going to have this …

: I’m debating whether to hold out for the Brydge Keyboard, or break down and buy Apple’s …

: The system-wide dark mode on Mojave is becoming usable now that more apps (and even web sites!) are …

: Going back to my Code Keyboard with Cherry MX Green switches for a bit to see if my brain and …


: Despite not being fully sold on iA Writer, I’ve bought it on Mac and iOS, because it has a lot …

: Medium thinks it's a brand There’s a lot of reasons people are down on Medium, Ev Williams' ongoing …

: I’m not 100% sure I’ll use the new Touchtype Pro iPad Case, but I’m backing it …

: I really like Ben Thompson’s observation that in addition to “free as in speech” …

: All my work on getting Luna Display running is mostly so I can use Dramatica Story Expert—a program …

: Sort of solving my problems with the Luna Display and the iMac by moving the Luna to an older Mac …

: A new little coffee stand opened inside the skateboard shop right by the Hammer Theater in San Jose. …

: WWDC semi-favorite coffeehouse Social Policy has closed. I suspected they were in trouble when I …

: …also, every scene with Tig Notaro in Star Trek is a multi-universal treasure. 🖖

: I continue to like Star Trek: Discovery despite its flaws. The dialogue is uneven; the characters …

: I’m…dubious about iA Writer’s custom fonts, so I’ve downloaded them to see if I …

: One day I will stop subtly tweaking the styling on my web site. Today is not that day.

: The most significant advancement in air travel in the last few decades is the airport wine bar. …

: Dallas is considerably colder today than Santa Clara. I’m not sure whether this will dissuade …

: Ah! Good news, in a weird way: the (third-party) watch band broke in a way I didn’t think was …

: Someone stole my Apple Watch off my wrist while I was having breakfast.

: I think this will be a delicious mistake.

: I’m not sure I’m interested in Apple’s TV+ service in more than an …

: Importing some old posts. I’m still proud of “Bubbles, Baseball, and Mr. Marsh,” …

: The coolest thing about the American health care system is being asked for a credit card when …

: So, apparently Luna Display not only can’t wake up my iMac, it won’t work if the …

: The business park I camp out in for remote working occasionally is especially photogenic today.

: Confession: I kind of like “smooth jazz,” even though I recognize there are actually …

: Me: How can I share images in various places to Slack on iOS? I’ll drag them to Gladys, then …

: Unfollowed a lot of folks on Twitter using the weirdly delightful Tokimeki Unfollow. Maybe I will …

: “Medium Seeks Partners to Launch New Publications": What could possibly go wrong this …

: My server migration from Arch Linux to Ubuntu is finished. I love Arch in theory, but it went from …

: Finally booting oh-my-zsh out of my zsh configuration, as I don’t really use its ten thousand …

: I’m having a Belgian-style strong ale at Eight Bridges Brewing in Livermore, brewed with cocoa …

: Blast & Brew, a competitor in the “build your own quick-fired pizza” space, has …

: Continuing to be annoyed that screenwriting apps I have access to insist on Courier or Courier Prime …

: The weather forecast for the next week is sunny and increasingly warm, and I am so ready for …

: Amoxicillin for the win. I hope. (Yes, yesterday I crossed the threshold where sinusitis can be …

: My good price on the car has been offset by being talked into an extended warranty because I was …

: I haven’t been this quickly and thoroughly hammered down by a cold in years. I’m not …

: After six months working on a Scrivener project regularly on both a Mac and an iPad: …

: Trying a Tom Bihn “minimal” wallet after decades of being a wallet maximalist. This will …

: It’s become common wisdom that the iOS app ecosystem is wired and the macOS one is tired, but …

: Now that I am seriously moving toward replacing my car, I am getting maudlin about it, despite never …

: The more people insist that real writers use Microsoft Word, the more my resolve to never use …

: Long-term project: convincing people that the past tense of “sync” should be …

: I don’t expect great coffee from Starbucks, but I expect passable wifi. This is the first …

: I am having a grilled cheese and crispy spam sandwich and I am not all that sorry about it

: Raining off and on all day until I drove out of the SF Bay Area to blue skies. This feels more …

: It’s been about a month and I still don’t recognize the new Slack icon as …

: I’ve stuck with BBEdit for technical writing and general text wrangling (ahem), but for coding …

: For the ones and ones of you who miss the original Coyote Tracks blog and would like a “just …

: Switching my “savings account” auto-contribution from a Capital One 360 account to a …

: Oh, hey. With’s new categories support, I think I can restore the RSS feed for …

: I am bad at self promotion, but it occurs to me to mention my weird animal-people magic realism …

: Second beer of this visit: a double IPA beer called a “Michael Duble.” I presume it is …

: Interesting approach.

: Me: I wonder why I don’t get much done on weekends Also me: why don’t I drive along the …

: Saving for a special occasion, although the occasion will likely be “it is time to have some …


: Hopefully I’m just being pessimistic, but I suspect Spotify’s acquisition of Gimlet …

: So, Dan Olson has an interesting thread on Patreon’s realization that they’re going to …

: Snow on the mountains around San Jose! Yes, this is an unusual occurrence—it’s rare to get …

: A digression about Facebook Around this time last year, I was contacted by a recruiter from Facebook wanting me to apply for a …

: I feel like this fortune cookie is reproaching me for something, but I’m not sure what

: I’m not sure if I’m really healthier now that I have the Apple Watch—it’s honestly …

: Around this time last year, a Facebook recruiter approached me for an interesting-sounding technical …

: I was always pretty sure Crab Rangoon, that staple of pupu platters, was an American …

: Extremely lukewarm take: there are a lot of watch faces for the Apple Watch that are perfectly fine, …

: Aaaaand I have already ordered a new band and a stand for the watch. This goes well with my …

: It is possible that I have finally broken down and bought an Apple Watch.

: Today, Linea on the iPad replaced OmniGraffle on the iPad for me. Yes, I was doing a pretty informal …

: Trying a FitBag pouch for my iPhone XR rather than a case—Apple’s clear case is very good, but …

: I can no longer recognize the Slack icon.

: Updating my presentation on typography for Further Confusion. I should probably make a more generic …

: Finishing more tweaks to Coyote Tracks. Still not going full monochrome, but it’s pared down …

: Marc Andreessen says for everyone who doesn’t live in a really interesting place like Silicon …

: I’ve made my animal-people magic realism short story “Saguaros,” from the ROAR 9 …

: Making progress again on my “pure HTML” web site revamp, using BBEdit template/site …

: While I continue to be inconstant with respect to monospaced coding/terminal fonts, my prose writing …

: Hm. Replacing all four brake pads, two rotors, a serpentine belt (all original equipment on a car …

: Both of my third-party $12 clear iPhone XR cases visibly darkened/discolored in less than two months …

: The more I use San Francisco Mono as a coding/console typeface, the more I like it.

: I’m always reminded of how pretty Florida can really be when I come back to visit. Most people …

: Jock Lindsay’s Hangar Bar at Disney Springs

: At Disney Springs, the replacement area for Pleasure Island and associated parts of the mouse …

: Best Hacker News comment in a while, on Larry Ellison joining Tesla’s board of directors: …

: Twelve South’s Compass Pro iPad stand is expensive, but it fixes the problems with the Compass …

: One of my Christmas gifts is a refurbished Polaroid 600 instant camera.

: In some ways the James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art itself is an exhibit.

: Good: I have found a new (to me?) microbrewery in Zephyrhills, Florida, which is pretty good! Bad: …

: Just found out “Stardew Valley” is available for the iPad, and immediately bought it, …

: I have to give Bahama Breeze points for having curried goat and oxtail on the menu. I love them, but …

: Back in Florida for the holiday break. I pretty quickly embraced California as home, but over the …

: While I get the theoretical appeal of carry-on luggage with charging ports, most airports I go to …

: Pundits talk about how great the speakers are on the iPad, and: okay, but within the physical …

: The iPad sticker collection is slowly being built.

: I kinda want iOS on the iPad to support USB tethering to an iPhone if you have a USB-C to Lightning …

: I may need this desk sign

: So I have a Siri shortcut for “Resume Overcast,” a shortcut donated from Overcast, the …

: Going to make a more concerted effort to try DuckDuckGo again as a search engine. This generally …

: Rosewood Sand Hill has a gingerbread Silicon Valley in the lobby, including Apple Park.

: The Hatch, a very Oakland dive bar

: A little nonplussed that it looks like while Bluesound is finally getting Airplay 2 integration, …

: Fieldwork’s “Greetings from Raspberry Park” is technically a “kettle …

: From the initial reports: yes, the Apple clear case for the XR is better than some of the …

: Heretical weather app assertion: Hello Weather is better than Carrot in terms of info-at-a-glance.

: I’m reminded this morning that as much as I’m starting to truly love the iPad for …

: At $39, Apple’s clear case for the XR is three times as much as Spigen’s. That’d …

: Let's talk about the Tumblrpocalypse Did you hear Tumblr’s getting rid of all the adult sites? Yes, the news is going around. Man, …

: Trying to make a playlist of Christmas songs that I truly like. Either most Christmas songs (or …

: One of the most fun tiki bars in California, decked out for Christmas.

: Someday my smart AV receiver will finally get the update for AirPlay 2 that Bluesound has described …

: If you’re in a town that has a “Miracle Christmas Pop-Up Bar,” and you like …

: Seriously thinking about retooling my backup strategy and dumping Time Machine. Between Arq Cloud …

: I don’t think any of my friends who used to follow football still do. (Reminded of that by …

: Comixology is running a lot of Black Friday weekend sales. I bought volumes 2 and 3 of …

: Is there a way to make a new post in Gluon? If there is I haven’t found it yet.

: Pretty sure this coffee shop has two HomePods as speakers. Tempted to shout “HEY SIRI” …

: There’s something kind of refreshing about building a web site with pure HTML/CSS: no engines, …

: I am forever going to be slightly sad that with a name like “Bixby,” our voice assistant …

: I went back and exchanged my 64GB iPad for the 256GB one after all.

: Well, the air is still terrible here in Silicon Valley, but it’s possible to tell the sky …

: Hmm. I was considering buying Coda, as I re-evaluate all my workflows for…everything, but the Mac …

: I am annoyed by the iPad’s metal side resting against the metal side of the Magic Keyboard in the …

: Hm. I’m starting to do the rather @imyke thing of putting stickers on my new iPad case, but …

: Going to eventually take the time to enable all 2FA accounts I have that work with 1Password. Being …

: The new iPad Pro So I bought a new iPad yesterday. After a lot of waffling, I made some seemingly counter-intuitive …

: The internet is sufficiently flaky at the house that I have relocated to a coffee shop with great …

: I do wish Apple’s iPad Folio cases for the new iPad Pros weren’t so incredibly boring. Yikes.

: “Hey Siri, what’s the air quality?”

: To make things even more tempting, it’s pretty clear to me that I could get by with a 64GB iPad. I’m …

: Low cognitive load blogging Hey, did you know I used to be a blogger? Okay, it’s not quite fair to say that I’m no …

: I think if Apple made an e-ink reader just for Apple Books, I’d be tempted to buy it despite …

: Handled the new iPad Pros in the Apple Store. This was probably a mistake. (Seriously: I want one, …

: Only a few minutes into the second episode of Amazon’s “Homecoming.” If you hadn’t told me this was …

: Lukewarm take: the iPad’s ecosystem is held back by the App Store pricing and sales model. Ten …

: Thanks to’s new ActivityPub support, I’m now publishing to Mastodon at …

: Okay, I don’t even like superhero comics and movies that much, but after reading a bunch of …

: Okay, I’ll need to grab other people to come down here with me sometime, or tag along if other …

: Extremely first-world dilemma: just setting up at a coffee shop in Paso Robles, wondering whether I …

: Pretty sure I was here once four years ago. It seems like a good day for a return visit!

: Given the smoke in the Bay Area, I think today’s unnecessary day trip will be heading south …

: macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS are basically forks of the same OS adapted for different form factors …

: Fairly sure this is the quietest I’ve ever seen Pagan Idol.

: Getting a flat white from a robot barista in the San Francisco Metreon. Not bad! (Footnote: the …

: Apparently I have two versions of Ulysses installed on my iPhone. Let’s hope I’m …

: All right, I may have to see if I can deal with the iPhone XR without a case. As with my iPhone 6, …

: Despite making that complaint about iOS, I enjoy working on the iPad. It’s just so light …

: Blog post I should eventually write: how text editing behavior that happens at a system level on …

: View from the lunchroom at the business park I camp out at sometimes. Turns out the food is good, …

: The mainstream narrative is that iPad sales over the last ~5 years have been disappointing. But …

: I’m a little chagrined how much I like having a bigger phone. The XR’s screen size and …

: Rearranging my iPhone home screen. Let’s see if I get used to the new icon positions or give …

: Prices for the new Apple products are kinda insane, though. Yes, I know, you’re trying to …

: This does raise the question: with the new MacBook Air, who is the one-port MacBook for? And even …

: I won’t pretend I’m not tempted by the new iPad Pro. Hmm.

: What if a new Mac mini turned out to be the first ARM-based Mac?

: Twitter is considering removing likes, apparently. Odd: I’m glad they’re not on …

: Years ago I remember being in a meeting where we all went around the table saying who we were and …

: Ulysses has suddenly gotten weirdly crashy on my Mac. Three crashes in 30 minutes weird. Rebooting …

: I am not saying I am lost without a home button, but

: Only in Napa: a combination BBQ joint and wine bar. (I am having the pimento cheese dip and a rosé …

: Okay. Accounts set up, SIM card transferred (the first time I’ve ever done that with an …

: I have my new phone—and can’t set it up until I get home from work. So it’s just sitting …

: Rekindling my deep dislike of not keeping URLs all lowercase (e.g., “/foo/bar/about-UX” …

: Really? The online Apple Store is in “be right back” mode nearly three hours before the …

: Trying to re-acquaint myself with Sublime Text after a couple years away dallying with Atom and VS …

: Apropos of nothing in particular, I really want to get to Mesa Grill in Las Vegas sometime.

: I’m tickled that full episodes of “Adam Ruins Everything” are available on Netflix …

: First taco, now bagel. Clearly, we should be lobbying for a cheesesteak or Cuban sandwich emoji so …

: Maybe one day the Instant Hotspot feature will work on the first try. Today is not that day. Or the …

: The Ten Ten Room in Sacramento has deviled scotch eggs and I think this may be my favorite appetizer …

: Elon Musk apparently wants to produce “Teslaquila,” because his 2018 doesn’t sound …

: Not down with the trend of free wifi hotspots requiring an email address to sign in. New low today: …

: Wow, the San Jose Mercury News’s web site is astoundingly unfriendly on iOS. I don’t …

: Catered lunch Wednesday at the office is burgers today, and they have the Impossible Burger. So now …

: It is relatively hard to find good light text editor themes. Still looking for more for VS Code.

: Ironic scooter collision footnote: I was not wearing a helmet, but it wouldn’t have helped. …

: And first scooter collision. My everything hurts. Walking for a while now!

: Trying Sunnyslope, a “Brut IPA” from Shadow Puppet Brewing, a dry IPA with “a …

: Okay, tried “dark mode” in Mojave, and…no. I like the concept, but it’s not my …

: Switching back to my Mini Tactile Pro keyboard for a time. Gosh, these keys are incredibly loud …

: I love many, many things about Scrivener, but its syncing engine is so very much not one of those …

: In an effort to do a little more photography again, I’m finally reinstalling Instagram on my …

: Sometimes you don’t want to just go with an “Out of Order” sign.

: Apparently I have checked out VW’s web site often enough in my quest to research a new car …

: Fairly sure that if I get an Apple Watch it will be the 40mm version. Fortunately my local Apple …

: Got a new permanent crown and I am pretty sure I should have asked for anesthetic. Lunch today will …

: I suspect the XR will be better at taking tiki bar shots like this, but the 6 is still game.

: Hm. My iPhone claims to have 95% battery health, but today its power level stayed mysteriously at …

: I really like my Airpods, but I feel like I should listen to my iPhone with wired headphones while I …

: Frustrations with “Personal Hotspot” may yet be what drives me to buy a cellular model …

: I’m strangely tempted to go back to Sublime Text as my editor of choice. For all its …

: Another afternoon working at my favorite inexplicably pretty business park.

: That should have been “Lime” scooter, of course. I didn’t catch autocorrect …

: This is the longest ride I’ve taken on a Lomé scooter, over a mile in nine minutes—most of it …

: It may be time for me to say goodbye to my old friend SpamSieve. As useful as it was, in the last …

: I’ve been thinking strongly about getting a new car in a few months, even though I could keep …

: I think I am going to get an iPhone XR. Possibly in coral. Still not sure about finally breaking …

: “One of the descriptions and labels that we had in the past that I always despised was …

: Apple's topsy-turvy iPhone lineup I started thinking about this yesterday, and originally was going to say crazy, as in irrationally …

: Poking more at a lightweight RSS syncing idea by practicing “documentation-driven …

: To my mild surprise, the cheapest new iPhone (the XR) is only $100 more than the cheapest new iPhone …

: Apple has actually already designed iPhones with Face ID without notches. They’re just waiting …

: Couldn’t help but notice that in the introduction video for the Apple presentation, the runner …

: Hearing “your book made me cry” is a great and touching compliment, yet I feel just a …

: Giving Feedbin a try in spite of myself. They definitely have the best web app for an RSS reader; …

: Went back to look at the codebase for an old story/magazine code I’d worked on six years ago, …

: Hmm. Feedbin seems neat, but it’s 3⨉ the cost of Feed Wrangler—that just seems like a lot if …

: I’m on an eternal but slow quest to find great monospaced fonts, especially for coding and …

: At this point, sort of waiting for Elon Musk to buy a hotel in Vegas and live in the penthouse, …

: Kind of want to make a long random drive around the North Bay tomorrow, although that may be …

: Now I am going to deal with vague FOMO feels due to missing #xoxofest. Perhaps I can start a …

: Ah, I can tell I’m getting old: two pints of beer—well, technically eight four-ounce …

: Also: while I don’t think I’d describe myself as a Burt Reynolds “fan,” his …

: Thinking more about my departed friend. I was virtually his political opposite: I’m decidedly …

: Sending mail from Drafts written in Markdown on the iPad feels like an “achievement …

: A friend I’ve known almost entirely online died “unexpectedly and peacefully” …

: This seems like such a Santa Cruz way to serve coffee.

: I’ve tried several iPhone camera apps over the years that save photos to their own libraries. …

: And, MarsEdit is now set up to work with my Final, big step for later: moving my …

: Finally setting up a custom domain for my microblog, now at — this may …

: I wonder if maybe Mastodon needs a little FidoNet in it: just enough hierarchy and agreed-upon …

: Hmm:…

: Giving Readdle’s “Calendars” app a try for the iPad. I love Fantastical on both …

: One of the things apparently broken in the current iOS 12 beta: knowing whether there’s a new …

: Hmm. Social Policy (the cafe in San Jose of semi-fame from WWDC) has shifted their hours to be …

: It’s refreshing how fast it is to catch up on Mastodon and I know that’s in …

: While I’m not a major country fan, I think I like Kenny Chesney’s new album, …

: I’m again wondering whether an updated 12" MacBook would be an ideal travel computing …

: I’m surprised at how difficult it is for me to decide between “highly adjustable …

: Oddly reminded by @imyke that I might as well go back to Twitterrific again, given that the features …

: Hm. On a lark, I went to the Soylent drink web site, and their messaging has markedly …

: Ah yes, you know your nasal passages are completely blocked when you can’t taste a …

: A ramification of Mastodon’s design that’s not true of either Twitter or …

: I think I’m slowly convincing myself I should buy the cellular model of the iPad next time …

: One not-so-obvious advantage I’m noticing that has over Mastodon: client apps. …

: I’d intended to stop for a donut, but the line at Stan’s is so long I am getting a bagel …

: A stranger at WorldCon just asked me if I’m an author and if I wrote Kismet. This will make my …

: WorldCon makes me feel young. By which I mean most of the attendees are older than I am.

: Interesting anecdata: I’ve been on Mastodon for a year, give or take. Out of 23 followers, 10 …

: I’m also moving back to Apple’s own iOS mail client for a while, although I’m …

: After much faffing around, I have settled on the very old school MailMate. It turns out that it is …

: Okay, I guess this explains why I feel this is an unusually warm evening

: Vox’s Aja Romano: “Twitter is at a moral crossroads—and choosing the wrong path.” …

: Unexpected good tech nerd news: Bluesound, NAD’s sister company who make my receiver’s …

: One fascinating bit, at least to old-timers like me: this receiver has no radio tuner in it.

: Pretty sure if I suggest how much difference the new amp appears to make, a bunch of angry …

: Bonus: the hi-fi store I am picking my receiver up at is just down the block from Bitters + Bottles, …

: Ok, the touring ELO is an entirely new group except for Jeff Lynne. And they’re really tight. …

: I see you, person over there with the “Resist Corporate Coffee” sticker on their laptop, …

: I have fled my apartment on my WFH day due to fire alarm testing, and have ended up at one of the …

: So apparently Magic Leap looked at the universally-derided “honeycomb” UI for the Apple …

: I’ve had the vague plans to write my own general-purpose blogging engine for months, but …

: Not unrelated to the last post: I will soon have a Marantz SR4002 A/V receiver available. It was …

: Finally pulling the switch on ordering a new A/V receiver. Now I can worry about whether it was a …

: Eater described a new National Geographic show as “Gordon Ramsay Hopes to Teach Locals How to …

: An interesting IndieWeb-ish article: ActivityPub could be the future. I continue to be mildly …

: BBEdit has removed Kite support. It is truly the end of an era. (Narrator: it is not.)

: I love living in a progressive state, but I confess when I go out to eat a stubborn part of me …

: I’ve been using FeedHQ for RSS feeds and I’m happy with it, but it doesn’t have a …

: While I’d love to assume Twitter’s “New developer requirements to protect our …

: Bucket list goal: live to see one of my stories adapted for television by Bryan Fuller, and take …

: I’m not really a huge superhero movie/comics fan, but it’s nonetheless refreshing that …

: Now that I’ve cancelled a trip I’d been waffling about for financial reasons, I can take …

: As much as I like mechanical keyboards, it’s time for me to get rid of many of the ones …

: My science fiction novel Kismet got a (positive!) micro-review from Cat Rambo. 📚

: I…kind of think I can hear the difference between a multibit DAC and a delta-sigma DAC. I’m …

: …although I’ll make a counter-argument to myself: it’s not impossible Apple will …

: Hmm. It doesn’t look like Intel actually has any processors that could replace the ones in the …

: I’ve been using an iPad Pro as my “secondary” computer. But I’m considering …

: Waiting for a seat at a restaurant called “The Waffle Experience.” I feel like that name …

: Why is the “folding outline” view for files and nested documents basically absent on …

: I’m not sure if the free breakfast buffet at this hotel is worth the price.

: For some reason, making any decisions about the trip to Portland for XOXO is like pulling teeth. I …

: I’m finding myself juggling “leisure finances” to justify going to XOXO. Portland …

: I’m starting to tell how much I need the staycation “brain recharge” this weekend. …

: So Spark for iOS mixes and matches my subject lines, and Airmail is apparently incapable of deleting …

: Okay, I’m being weak and going to McCormick & Schmick’s happy hour for dinner. If …

: The AirPods case scratches very easily. Mine looks like more like I’ve had it a year, not two …

: Hmm. This is the first year I have been selected for buying an XOXO Festival pass, and I’m …

: I’m not an “inbox zero” kind of person, but it’s definitely nice to get down …

: A lot of folks have an, ah, less than high opinion of Gawker, but several of their sites used to be …

: The Kon-Tiki in Oakland is steadily climbing in my estimation as a terrific tiki bar.

: Switching back to Airmail from Spark for a bit. I have been seeing very weird behavior from Spark …

: Minor followup musing: it’s odd to find myself mildly defending and even dabbling with …

: As the years go by, “look at crazy things PHP does when you run code explicitly designed to …

: I want an Instant Pot, but I need to get way better about grocery shopping. I kind of like cooking—I …

: Running Visual Studio Code in Vim emulation mode: weird, but kind of neat. Code is far and away my …

: Followup: the tiki bar is playing all Yacht Rock tonight. I think if I ever open my post-retirement …

: Nilsson’s “Coconut” is not period authentic for tiki but I think we have to allow …

: I’ve considered removing my main Twitter account from my phone before, but I’ve finally …

: Contemplating another random “staycation” weekend sometime in July. (I don’t know …

: Discovered yesterday that I accidentally ordered a “front print” keyboard, i.e., letters …

: Ordered a second KBParadise Matias Quiet Click keyboard, so I can have one at the office and one at …

: Tempting fate by eating Goldfish crackers while working on a MacBook Pro with a butterfly keyboard.

: To my mild surprise, the AirPods sound quite decent if you put little foam rings around them to help …

: I’m sure BBEdit isn’t the only editor that can do “find all text files in this …

: It’s kind of weird to have a lot of opinions about the direction for Siri that WWDC reveals …

: My previous company has a new CEO who describes himself as a “general athlete and change …

: Every HN post that mentions engineering salaries in SV mentions ever-higher numbers. I’m not …

: I’ll probably be dropping by Haberdasher shortly after they open.

: San Jose electric scooter tip: ride in the bike lane when one is available. Your ride will be faster …

: So the same day Microsoft announces they’re buying GitHub, Xcode 10 is released with GitLab …

: In line for the Accidental Tech Podcast live show. Kind of wish I’d brought a Galaxy Note 8 …

: Maybe this was a suboptimal time to go to Social Policy for a quick coffee break

: Wondering if this keynote is going to end with “we’re out of time, but macOS remains a …

: WWDC sure made traffic to my office in downtown San Jose fun this morning!

: FYI for impending WWDC attendees: shared electric scooters are all over San Jose. Personally …

: And my credit card is entirely paid off! (…except for the hotel bill that I ran up this month …

: The last SF Bay Area location of Gordon Biersch, an early craft brewpub chain that started in Palo …

: The move to 1Password 7 seems like a good time to break down and switch to a subscription, but I …

: I was going to get grumpy that daily writing goals weren’t syncing properly between Ulysses on …

: The banners are already starting to go up.

: Would I start a brawl in Portland if I asserted that Blue Star is better than Voodoo? 🍩

: Heading to Portland tomorrow for a convention, but the secret reason is to go to Hale Pele tomorrow …

: I just walked past the security desk on the way out of my office building and it was unmanned, but …

: So is Beacon going to be a thing again for this upcoming WWDC?

: Since I’ve moved my favorite mechanical keyboard to work, I want to buy another one for home. …

: My “working remote Thursday” office is pretty nice today.

: Off to work unduly remotely, I think.

: TIL that country singer Eddie Rabbitt’s backing band was named “Hare Trigger.”

: TIL Klout still existed.

: Celebrating Cinco de Mayo at a cidery in Sacramento, as one does.

: WWDC attendees: Il Fornaio in the Westin St. Claire is pretty darn good. (Although my Italian …

: I would probably appreciate “dog-friendly” breweries more if I had a dog. To be fair, …

: Since my office is now three blocks from the San Jose convention center, I have no excuse not to …

: Designing an SQLite schema WITH TRIGGERS like a madman.

: It still feels like Working Copy, the iOS git client, just requires more steps to do things than …

: I keep debating whether my next iPad should finally be a cellular model. If it was only a $50–70 …

: Holy cats, SmugMug bought Flickr.

: It’s funny, but I’m just saying as a writer I take this as a challenge.

: My allergy to dongles may drive me to buy a USB-B 3 to USB-C cable for work.

: It’s strange how difficult it is to go back to any Cherry MX switch keyboard for me after …

: Every time I try running any Linux desktop distribution under VirtualBox, the performance is …

: Considering writing a “make a modern PHP web app without a framework” tutorial.

: Now that I’m out on a day trip, ostensibly to sit down with the iPad and do some writing, my …

: First Tesla Model 3 I’ve seen in the wild. It is a pretty car.

: This bar makes mai tais with Sailor Jerry spiced rum and they’re better than they really …

: Wondering if maybe that idea I had for a turnkey “indieweb” microblogging app …

: A conversation yesterday left me with a question: how many of you who are using Amazon Alexa are …

: Setting up @bbedit for work even though everyone else is using VS Code. Code is a great editor, but …

: Paying for a purchase on a web site using Apple Pay and Touch ID still feels just a little like …

: Something I missed from earlier this month: Ghostery has gone open source. I’ve always liked …

: Now that I’m working for an AI-focused company, I have even less excuse not to get going on …

: I can’t say my first day back at an office in months was hard, since it’s all initiation …

: It is both good and very bad when the bartender keeps giving you free shots of interesting stuff.

: I bought my 9.7" iPad Pro almost exactly two years ago, and was questioning the decision right …

: This is a great guide to rum types. Categorizing them as British, French and Spanish styles …

: I keep forgetting that iOS has drag and drop now. When I remember, it reduces my frustration with …

: Off on another minor day trip, as I don’t expect to be able to do these during the week …

: I have set Soulver’s display to Computer Modern Sans (of TeX fame), and it just makes …

: The 2016 MBP is the only machine I’ve ever owned that I’ve kept a membrane skin over the …

: Okay, time to admit defeat and archive articles that have been hanging around my Instapaper queue …

: Torn between sensibly staying in, given the weather, and going out for the day anyway. Next week is …

: I’m rediscovering the joy of writing with the iPad and a Laptop Pro keyboard. I wish Matias …

: “I won’t need to bring my umbrella with me,” I said. “What’s the chance of a heavy rain starting in …

: There appears to be no place to get a Martinez cocktail in Martinez, California. What’s up with …

: Spotted in Lodi

: For someone who only knows of Lodi, California from the CCR song, visiting the actual town is a …

: Trader Vic’s is going to be opening a new US location in 2020 in…the San Jose …

: Waze took an unnecessarily harrowing and convoluted route here, but at least it took me to a more …

: Noticing several folks at the company I was laid off from in September now show leaving the company …

: Whiskey. (And a little bit of other stuff.)

: Remembering that Twitter lists are a useful way to mediate the firehose.

: I don’t break out Dramatica Story Expert very often, but when I do, I always lament how such …

: While I haven’t broken out the soud level meter, I have a suspicion that the …

: I’m in a brewery in Berkeley with a metal roof, and it’s raining very hard outside. …

: GasBuddy has accounted for 28% of my battery usage in the last 24 hours, which is interesting given …

: With the storms coming in, I wouldn’t think this would be a great day for golfing, but there …

: Mobius strip bench?

: My novel Kismet was nominated for an Ursa Major Award! If you haven’t read it/heard of it, …

: Given the oncoming storm, this afternoon is probably my last chance to head out anywhere for a few …

: I’m not sure I’m down with the way Elm’s style guide wants comma-delimited lists …

: Just confirmed that even the iMac has gotten rid of the digital optical out. That’s a little …

: Learning a bit of Elm for as yet undefined reasons. Apparently part of me wants to get back into …

: Keyboard Maestro would be so much more useful if it wasn’t crashing daily. Hrm.

: Sonoma County feels like it has nearly everything I love about the San Francisco Bay Area with very …

: While I’m still searching for work (and waiting on one callback), I can’t shake the …

: I’m updating the Elixir package for BBEdit for Elixir 1.6, and am going to try to make a …

: The “emacs-plus” Homebrew tap is installing an OpenType text engine and the Rust …

: It feels like Ulysses has very bad performance if you’re entering text in the middle of even a …

: Okay, I’m impressed that Forbidden Island now has both the 1934 and 1950 Zombie recipes on their …

: And the lens cover (or is it the actual lens?) on my iPad came off when I took it out of my keyboard …

: Back to tea from coffee, for which I can extremely indirectly blame @blankbaby and the New Mexico …

: I’ve had a lot of coffee stouts, but I’m pretty sure Fieldwork’s “Coffee …

: Reminded that Monterey is a really fun town to hang out in.

: Having a stout called “A Bay of Our Own,” brewed in Soquel, California, using caramel, …

: I am at a brewpub in Monterey, and am surrounded by lawyers attending a “Capital Case Defense …

: Medium continues to be a baffling publishing platform to me. Some posts of mine get thousands of …

: Having an Eight Bridges Brewing “Drenched in Hops,” which is surprisingly low in …

: Eventually I am going to write a rant about why I find “if you’re not the customer, …

: At an indie coffee bar hidden in a business park conference center, which all looks vaguely …

: Apple said they’ve been working on the HomePod for 6 years. Tom Holman, the inventor of THX, …

: Ordering tea from the New Mexico Tea Company, in part because they’re still running a Star …

: I am very late to discover that Peet’s no longer sells their own teas, and instead carries …

: I’ve ignored AnyList until now because I don’t need to share my shopping list with …

: Note to self: the proper amount of beer for good writing is roughly two pints. It is definitely …

: I may be here a while.

: I don’t have the resources for a one- or two-night staycation right now, but I can still pull …

: I know a Bitcoin ATM isn’t really an “only in Silicon Valley” thing, but it sure …

: So how much of a difference in practice is there between the 9.7" iPad Pro and the 10.5" …

: The unbearable glibness of tweeting The unbearable glibness of tweeting We love Twitter, but maybe we need some quiet time apart I still …

: Hot take: is refreshingly free of hot takes.

: It occurs to me that I cannot name a single song by Justin Timberlake. 🏈

: Wearing my Upgrade All-Stars Brainball tee for the Superb Owl today.

: Huh. Steak N' Shake closed both of their SF Bay Area locations after less than a year (only four …

: Considering going more old-school for a personal carry device

: Okay, I’m apparently actually kvetching about the “new editor” that is not …

: Am I missing something, or is WordPress’s new “Gutenberg” editor incapable of …

: I’m quite aware it’s bad to drink in order to be happier, which makes it all the more …

: Okay: if I ever get to take South Bay friends to a taproom that they’re going to say is …

: At “The Rake,” a new taproom at Admiral Maltings, a new craft malt maker in Alameda—all …

: I occasionally poke back at PHP, and it feels like the rise of its package ecosystem makes …

: I kind of like “smooth jazz radio” as background music, but either Apple Music only …

: I’m feeling more like I should strike out on my own, but that’s a scary prospect. Little …

: Starting to seriously wonder if I can make it out here anymore.

: People say that the iPad is better for writing because it’s “distraction-free,” …

: Off to Acre Coffee in East Petaluma because, uh, coffee? (At times I really think I should have …

: I like the food at HopMonk Tavern here in Novato, but I don’t think they need to keep the …

: I am sad that I can’t buy a bottle of Elkhorn Slough Brewing’s “Pirate …

: For my second drink at Pagan Idol, a Jet Pilot! Also my last drink. They’re—not light.

: Okay, it’s “catch up on email day.” Well, at least morning.

: I should be working on “homework” for a prospective job, but between car woes and …

: Outside a coffee shop in Walnut Creek.

: Starting—well, five chapters into—BORDERLINE by Mishell Baker. I haven’t dug into a great …

: Hmm. I think my dilemma is that it’s so privileged to be able to say “I, a currently …

: While I alluded to this the other day, I’m finding myself struggling with whether to pursue a …

: I need to dissuade myself of the notion that a modest amount of grocery shopping counts as a …

: It’s strange to have a company tentatively more interested in me than the reverse. (I have …

: It may be time to go off and be rechargingly antisocial for a bit.

: As part of a desire to simplify in 2018, I’m going back to iTunes and my Mac’s speakers. …

: Let’s see how much my productivity goes up when I quit the Twitter app!

: The iPad is just as good for writing as the Mac…until the moment you want to display two different …

: Apparently I’m in a minority, but I’ve never liked iA Writer’s font (non-)choice. Ulysses & …

: I still kinda want to write a “fully modern” PHP blogging platform that isn’t …

: is more my groove than Mastodon, but it’s so much of a closed tech-nerd-only bubble …

: I keep thinking about whether there’s a place for a social network that’s …

: Turns out Editorial is a better “TaskPaper for iOS” than TaskMator, even though …

: iOS should have a Unix shell. Heresy! Okay: come up with an argument against it that wasn’t …

: The keyboard worked until I logged into a wifi network. Then I had to restart the iPad. What. The. …

: Every single time I connect my Magic Keyboard to the iPad now, function keys work but alphanumerics …

: iOS 11 fixes many (not all) of my iPad complaints. Selling my 9.7" iPad Pro and 13" MBP to …

: I’ve never posted on Ello, but I think I want to see if they go under before I get annoyed …

: Having lived many years in both Florida and California, I’d rather take the earthquake risk …

: iOS 11’s penchant for recognizing my Magic Keyboard yet not letting me type on it sure is …

: Interesting how 5by5’s gone from Hot New Podcast Network to virtually invisible in ~3 years. …

: Increasingly my case for iPad Pro over MBP is: Magic Keyboard + iPad > new MBP keyboard (touch …

: systemd feels like someone looked at OS X launchd and said, “That’s the most convoluted …

: FeedPress claims that Coyote Tracks has more RSS subscribers than I have Twitter followers. I am …

: I wish I’d bought an Away suitcase for my trip tomorrow. This means I’ve been listening …

: Semi-relatedly, I’ve also given up F.lux and Night Shift. They don’t help me sleep …

: Finally learned how to get expert preferences back in the macOS Display Calibration Assistant. I …

: Cloak is a great name for a VPN, which is why they’re changing their name to …

: Tempted by the 10.5" iPad, but not enough to trade up to it from the still very new 9.7".

: The more new features Medium rolls out, the better I feel about moving to WordPress …

: And it’s taken me about 30 minutes to kinda wish I had the Mac instead. Oy.

: Back to writing on the iPad for a bit. Yay! My least favorite minor bug has reappeared in Ulysses. …

: Debating a post about subscription software, but I’m too conflicted on it to make a case …

: Somewhat amusingly, yesterday’s post did better on my personal blog than on Medium so far.

: Later today, I will engage in another POSSE experiment: importing a post to Medium.

: Considering dumping all my keyboards except the two Matias minis and the Magic keyboards (one for …

: One of my biggest blockers to going iPad-only: I can’t remap Caps Lock to Ctrl.

: The urge to quit my job and join a revolutionary army is way stronger than usual.

: Eventually I will get my blog running under WordPress and connect it to, so I can fail to …

: Despite the fact that I’m barely using, I’m still noodling around with the …

: Not sure if anyone I know-slash-know of is even still left in San Jose post-WWDC now.

: Last-minute decision to go to James Dempsey show tonight near #WWDC - maybe I’ll see some of …

: While I won’t be at WWDC, I’ll be around WWDC at some points, most notably at the live …

: Really going to have to figure out what I’m going to do with this thing, huh?

: Well: I am here.

: Form over frolic: Jony Ive’s quest for boring perfection Form over frolic: Jony Ive’s quest for boring perfection Apple still has the best industrial design …

: Bubbles, Baseball, and Mr. Marsh Deep stories and ugly truths in American politics When I went to high school in Florida, I was in …

: Shifts in the blogging tide Shifts in the blogging tide Which semi-open platform do I like better? I’m reading “How Yahoo …